Experimental study of bubble pulsation by underwater explosion of CL-20-based explosives
摘要: 为研究CL-20基炸药、CL-20基含铝炸药水下爆炸气泡脉动情况,在2 m×2 m×2 m的实验水箱中开展小当量实验,采用高速摄影技术,得到炸药水中爆炸冲击波传播曲线,同时清晰地观测到气泡的产生、膨胀和收缩过程。拟合得到气泡脉动过程中气泡半径、速度、加速度对时间的变化曲线,对比分析了CL-20含铝与非含铝炸药水下爆炸气泡脉动规律。在实验条件下,首次直观地拍摄到CL-20含铝炸药水下爆炸的二次反应放热现象。实验表明:CL-20基含铝炸药的气泡半径、脉动周期都明显升高,半径增大13.7%,周期增大6.9%;冲击波峰值压力略有下降;水下爆炸测试技术以及高速摄影技术是研究观测含铝炸药二次反应的有效手段。Abstract: In this study, we investigated the effect of underwater explosion of CL-20-based explosive and CL-20-based aluminized explosive, by examining the dynamics of the bubble pulses generated by CL-20-based explosives charge underwater explosions in a 2 m×2 m×2 m water tank, with the pressure history of the shock wave measured. The process of the generation, expansion and contraction of the air bubble was observed clearly using the high-speed photo technology. The variation of the bubble radius, its expanding and contracting velocities, and its expanding and contracting accelerations with time was achieved in the bubble pulse process under the given experimental conditions. The bubble pulsation of the CL-20-based explosive and CL-20-based aluminized explosive were analyzed and compared. For the first time, secondary reaction process of the aluminum for the CL-20-based aluminized explosive underwater explosion was captured by the high-speed photo technology under the experimental conditions. The results show that the bubble radius and bubble periods of CL-20-based aluminized explosive went through an obvious increase, the bubble radius going up by 13.7% and the bubble period by 6.9%, respectively. The peak pressure of the shock wave exhibited a slight decrease. The technology of underwater explosion test and high-speed photography can be used to study the secondary reaction of aluminized explosive effectively.
Key words:
- bubble impulsion /
- high speed photography /
- CL-20 /
- aluminized explosive /
- secondary reactions
表 1 实验药柱参数
Table 1. Parameters of explosive grain
工况 炸药公式 炸药尺寸/(mm×mm) 密度/(g·cm-3) 1 CL-20/Estane/G/W Ø15×14.68 1.929 2 95/3.5/0.5/1 Ø15×14.68 1.929 3 CL-20/Al/Estane/G/W Ø15×14.21 1.993 4 80/15/3.5/0.5/1 Ø15×14.20 1.994 表 2 实验药柱参数
Table 2. Parameters of explosive grain
工况 脉动周期/ms 气泡半径/cm 压力峰值/MPa 1 46.75 60.6 15.52 2 46.76 59.9 15.49 3 49.97 68.1 15.20 4 50.43 67.6 15.12 -
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