Damage effect of cabin near shipboard under shaped charge exploding underwater
摘要: 通过实验以及数值模拟,开展了防雷舱结构在聚能装药水下爆炸作用下的毁伤研究,探讨冲击波在多介质结构中的传播规律及其对结构的毁伤机理。结果表明:相同爆炸当量条件下,爆破型装药仅对空舱产生破坏,防雷舱的多介质复合结构对冲击波具有较强的衰减作用,聚能型装药形成的侵彻体可造成液舱前板及后板的穿孔,孔径约为装药直径的1/3~1/2。加宽液舱以及加厚液舱后板可以增强防雷舱的抗爆能力。Abstract: In this paper, experiments and numerical simulation were conducted to study the damage effect of shaped charges exploding underwater on cabins near the shipboard, and discussed the propagation law of shock wave in multimedia structure and damage mechanism of the structure, providing reference to the design of protective structures. Results show that under the same explosive equivalent condition, explosives can only damage the first cabin of the cabins near the shipboard, the multi-media structure has a strong attenuation effect on shock wave, and the penetrator formed by shaped charge can cause perforation of front board and back board of the second cabin. The diameter of the hole is 1/3-1/2 of the charge. The enlargement of the liquid tank or the thickening of the liquid tank backboard can enhance the anti-explosion ability of the cabin near the shipboard.
Key words:
- cabin near shipboard /
- shaped charge /
- underwater explosion /
- damage effect
表 1 防雷舱结构参数
Table 1. Parameters of cabin near shipboard (Unit: mm)
序号 空舱前板1 空舱(空气) 空舱后板2 液舱(水) 液舱后板3 空舱(空气) 防御纵壁4 后效靶板5 后效靶板6 后效靶板7 1 2.7 167 1.4 167 3.6 167 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.4 2 2.7 167 1.4 167 3.6 167 1.8 1.8 1.4 1.4 3 2.7 167 1.4 250 3.6 167 1.8 1.8 2.0 4 2.7 167 1.4 167 8.0 167 1.8 1.8 2.0 表 2 实验结果
Table 2. Experimental results
序号 结构形式 空舱厚度/mm 液舱厚度/mm 空舱前板 空舱后板/mm 液舱后板/mm 防御纵壁/mm 箱体及后效/mm 装药类型 1 原型 167 167 花瓣撕裂 50×80孔洞 内部凹陷 - - 爆破型 2 原型 167 167 圆形撕裂 ∅20撕裂孔 9×17孔 12×17孔 贯穿5.8后效 聚能型 3 液舱增宽 167 250 - 10×35椭圆孔 10×23孔 8×14孔 凹坑未透 聚能型 4 液舱后板加厚 167 167 多边形撕裂 9×18孔洞 ∅10孔 10×16孔 贯穿1.8后效 聚能型 -
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