Numerical simulation on anti-penetration and penetration depth model of mesoscale concrete target
摘要: 为研究细观混凝土靶的侵彻规律,采用LS-DYNA软件对刚性弹丸侵彻两相混凝土靶进行了数值模拟。结果表明,影响靶板抗侵彻能力的主要因素是砂浆种类、粗骨料种类和粗骨料体积分数;混凝土靶中的砂浆与对应的砂浆靶中的砂浆产生的阻力接近;混凝土靶中的粗骨料产生的阻力远低于对应的岩石靶中的岩石。通过扩展Forrestal阻力方程,建立了细观混凝土侵彻深度模型,模型和数值模拟一致性很好。Abstract: In order to study the penetration law of the mesoscale concrete target, The LS-DYNA software is used to simulate the penetration of rigid projectiles into two-phase concrete target. The results show that the main factors affecting the penetration resistance of the target are mortar type, coarse aggregate type and coarse aggregate volume fraction. The resistance of mortar in concrete target is close to the same part of mortar in mortar target. The resistance of coarse aggregate in concrete target is much lower than the same part of rock in rock target. By extending the Forrestal resistance equation, the penetration depth model of mesoscale concrete is established, which is in good agreement with the numerical simulation.
Key words:
- penetration /
- mesoscale /
- concrete /
- penetration depth
表 1 Salem石灰岩HJC本构参数
Table 1. HJC model parameters of Salem limestone
ρ0/(g·cm-3) G/GPa A B C N f′c/MPa T/MPa ˙ε0/s-1 Ef, min 2.3 10 0.55 1.23 0.009 7 0.89 60 4 1 0.01 Smax Pcrush/MPa μcrush Plock/GPa μlock D1 D2 K1/GPa K2/GPa K3/GPa 20 20 0.001 25 2 0.174 0.04 1.0 39 -223 550 表 2 S型砂浆HJC本构参数
Table 2. HJC model parameters of type S mortar
ρ0/(g·cm-3) G/MPa A B C N f′c/MPa T/MPa ˙ε0/s-1 Ef, min 1.604 1 150 0.66 1.335 0.001 8 0.845 12.3 1.8 1 0.01 Smax Pcrush/MPa μcrush Plock/MPa μlock D1 D2 K1/MPa K2/GPa K3/GPa 80.24 13.8 0.007 5 109.6 0.15 0.006 629 1.0 300 -2 19 表 3 侵彻数值模拟方案及侵彻深度P
Table 3. Numerical simulation scheme and penetration depth P
方案 v0/
(m·s-1)粗骨料形状 da/mm 粗骨料级配 粗骨料方向 φ/% 附加说明 P/cm 1 500 球体 ∅25 Fuller连续级配 - 33 - 73.9 2 500 球体 ∅40 Fuller连续级配 - 33 - 74.6 3 500 球体 ∅60 Fuller连续级配 - 33 撞击位置1
(轴线)73.5 4 500 球体 ∅60 Fuller连续级配 - 33 撞击位置2
(横向偏移2 cm)73.3 5 500 球体 ∅60 Fuller连续级配 - 33 撞击位置3
(横向偏移-2 cm)73.7 6 500 长方体 30×30×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴平行 33 - 69.2 7 500 长方体 30×30×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴垂直 33 - 75.8 8 500 长方体 30×20×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴平行 33 - 70.8 9 500 长方体 30×20×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴垂直 33 - 75.7 10 500 长方体 30×10×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴平行 33 - 69.9 11 500 长方体 30×10×10 3种粗骨料尺寸 最短边与弹轴垂直 33 - 75.8 12 500 球体 ∅40 Fuller连续级配 - 20 - 85.0 13 500 球体 ∅40 粗骨料尺寸相同 - 20 - 88.3 14 500 球体 ∅40 Fuller连续级配 - 50 - 66.1 15 500 - - - - 100 靶板为岩石 27.0 16 500 - - - - 0 靶板为砂浆 97.6 17 800 球体 ∅40 Fuller连续级配 - 33 - 153.3 18 300 球体 ∅40 Fuller连续级配 - 33 - 33.8 -
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