Impact resistance of H shaped beam with various width-to-thickness ratios
摘要: 基于经实验校核的非线性有限元模型,对受横向冲击作用的H形钢梁进行了有限元分析。设计不同宽厚比组配的H形钢梁,分析H形钢梁跨中受横向冲击的动态响应和应力发展过程,并研究宽厚比对H形钢梁抗冲击性能的影响,重点讨论了腹板厚度、翼缘厚度对冲击力平台值和峰值以及耗能的影响。分析结果表明,两端铰接H形钢梁在跨中受冲击载荷作用下的变形模式主要为弯曲变形。相同冲击能量下,冲击力平台值主要受翼缘厚度的影响,冲击力峰值主要受腹板厚度的影响。翼缘厚度对钢梁抗冲击性能的影响要大于腹板厚度。本研究可为不同宽厚比H形钢梁的抗冲击设计提供依据和参考。Abstract: Based on a verified finite element model, numerical model of H beams subjected to lateral impact was established by ABAQUS. The accuracy of finite element models was validated against existing experimental results. The failure process of H beams and the influences of width-to-thickness ratios on the dynamic behaviors of H beams were systematically investigated. Then, the effects of flange thickness and web thickness on the stable impact forces, peak impact forces and energy dissipation were accurately analyzed. The results show that the failure mode of both side pin-ended steel beam subjected to transverse impact was global bending failure. Under certain impact energy the stable impact forces were mainly affected by the flange thickness and the peak impact forces. Furthermore, the effect of flange thickness on the dynamic behaviors of H beams was more obvious than the effect of the web thickness. In addition, the results of numerical analysis provided a basis and reference for the design of resisting impact of H beams.
Key words:
- H beams /
- impact resistance /
- width-to-thickness ratios /
- energy dissipation
表 1 实验与模拟主要数据对比
Table 1. Comparision between numerical and experimental data
试件编号 冲击力峰值Fmax/kN 冲击力平台值Fstable/kN 跨中最大位移dmax/mm 实验 模拟 实验/模拟 实验 模拟 实验/模拟 实验 模拟 实验/模拟 HR43 812.3 833.2 0.975 240.6 232.3 1.037 59.6 61.8 0.964 HR56 815.2 839.5 0.971 249.3 243.7 1.023 121.3 123.1 0.985 表 2 模拟工况
Table 2. Schedule of numerical tests
组别 模拟编号 有效长度L/mm 腹板厚度tw/mm 翼缘厚度tf/mm 腹板宽厚比rf 翼缘宽厚比rw H59 2 500 5 9 6.94 50.0 H69 2 500 6 9 6.94 41.7 1 H79 2 500 7 9 6.94 35.7 H89 2 500 8 9 6.94 31.3 H99 2 500 9 9 6.94 27.7 H56 2 500 5 6 10.4 50.0 H58 2 500 5 8 7.81 50.0 2 H510 2 500 5 10 6.25 50.0 H512 2 500 5 12 5.20 50.0 H514 2 500 5 14 4.46 50.0 试件的命名方法:H代表H形钢梁,试件编号第1个数字代表腹板厚度,后面的数字代表翼缘厚度。 -
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