Design and analysis of a non-fracture super-zip separation device
摘要: 对一种新型非断裂式膨胀管分离装置进行了静力承载及分离冲击动响应分析。根据静力承载分析,获得了其啮合齿倾角与承压能力间的关系,结果显示,当接触面摩擦因数恒定时,非断裂式膨胀管分离装置的承压能力与啮合齿倾角大小呈反比,且可靠承压的临界啮合角为啮合齿自锁角。同时,根据动力响应分析,获得了非断裂式膨胀管分离装置在不同啮合齿倾角情况下的分离冲击响应,并与常规膨胀管分离装置的分离冲击响应进行了对比,结果显示,所分析的两种具有不同啮合齿倾角的非断裂式膨胀管分离装置具有比常规膨胀管分离装置更小的可靠分离内压,并且5.7°啮合齿倾角构型在相同测点处的三向加速度时程曲线峰值均低于常规膨胀管分离装置。Abstract: The load-bearing capacity and shock response of a state-of-the-art non-fracture super-zip separation device have been analyzed. Based on the static load-bearing analysis, the relationship between the meshing angle and the load-bearing capacity of the non-fracture super-zip separation device has been obtained. The results show that load-bearing capacity is inversely proportional to the angle of meshing teeth and that the critical meshing angle for reliable load-bearing is the self-locking angle of meshing teeth when the friction coefficient of the contact surfaces is constant. By means of the dynamic response analysis, the separation shock responses of the separation devices with different configurations have been gotten. The results show that the two kinds of non-fracture separation devices with different meshing angle can be separated under lower inner pressure compared with the conventional super-zip separation device, and that the peak values of the acceleration history curves of the non-fracture separation device with 5.7° meshing angle configuration are smaller than those of the conventional super-zip separation device at the same measuring points in all three directions.
表 1 分离装置各部件材料属性
Table 1. Material parameters of separation devices
部件 材料 密度/(kg·m-3) 杨氏模量/GPa 屈服极限/MPa 破坏极限/MPa 泊松比 上端框 铝合金 2 700 70 311 485 0.33 下端框 铝合金 2 700 70 311 485 0.33 分离板 铝合金 2 700 70 311 485 0.33 膨胀管 不锈钢 7 900 184 196 540 0.33 螺栓 高强钢 7 750 184 835 1 080 0.33 表 2 各测点x方向的加速度峰值
Table 2. Peak values of acceleration at x direction
测点 ax/g 5.7°构型相对常规构型加速度峰值改变百分比 常规构型 0°构型 5.7°构型 1 272 900 378 927 76 196 ↓72% 2 210 815 217 501 44 516 ↓79% 3 303 699 194 720 49 743 ↓84% 表 3 各测点y方向的加速度峰值
Table 3. Peak values of acceleration at y directionc
测点 ay/g 5.7°构型相对常规构型加速度峰值改变百分比 常规构型 0°构型 5.7°构型 1 291 184 373 782 60 334 ↓79% 2 192 707 259 129 80 457 ↓58% 3 204 263 187 374 68 198 ↓67% 表 4 各测点z方向的加速度峰值
Table 4. Peak values of acceleration at z direction
测点 az/g 5.7°构型相对常规构型加速度峰值改变百分比 常规构型 0°构型 5.7°构型 1 221 210 78 894 19 705 ↓91% 2 180 490 43 739 9 267 ↓95% 3 237 170 43 733 8 871 ↓96% -
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