A S-wave phase picking method for blasting seismic waves and its application in engineering
摘要: S波震相初至时刻的精确识别是岩石动力学参数反演的关键环节。其拾取的精度和速度直接影响到岩石动力学参数反演的精度和效率。对S波的识别研究大多都集中在地震领域,现有方法难以有效的识别工程尺度下的爆破地震波S波的到时。本文中拟提出一种适用于工程尺度下S波的识别方法。该方法不对振动信号进行滤波处理,采用短时平均过零率、偏转角、偏振度和横向能量与总能量比值等4个识别参数对S波进行识别。结合丰宁抽水蓄能电站地质勘探洞爆破实验实测数据识别效果与数值模拟结果表明:该方法在工程尺度下的识别误差小于3%。该算法能较好地适用于工程尺度下S波初至时刻进行识别。Abstract: The initial and precise identification of the S-wave phase is a crucial step in the inverse analysis of dynamical mechanical parameters of rock mass. The efficiency and precision in this identification is directly linked with those of the dynamical parameters' inversion. Currently, the S-wave identification focuses mostly on the earthquake science and it is still difficult to effectively identify the S-wave phase on an engineering scale. This paper proposes a method that can be effectively used in engineering. Here, by using the four characteristic functions including the short time average cross zero ratio, the deflection angle, the degree of polarization and the ratio of the transversal to the total energy, this method identified the S-wave phase, without having to go through the filtering processes. Combining the identification result of some data from the blasting field experiments in the Fengning hydro power station with our numerical simulation, we validated this method, showing that its relative error is below 3% and that the method is effective, simple and suitable for the S-wave phase identification on the engineering scale.
表 1 统计平均值
Table 1. Statistical averages
P波震相初至 P波尾波 S波震相初至 F2=0 0<F2<1 F2=1 F3=1 0<F3<1 F3=1 F4=0 0<F4<1 F4=1 表 2 岩体物理参数
Table 2. Physical parameters of rock mass
ρ/(kg·m-3) E/GPa ν σb/MPa 损伤参数 KⅠ/(MN·m-3/2) λ/(kg·J-1) k m 2 530 40 0.22 2 2.33×1024 7 0.92 0.000 1 表 3 实验数据与理论模型结果对比
Table 3. Comparison between experimental and theoretical data
R/m t/ms ε/% 实验 理论 10 3.85 3.92 1.3 15 5.90 5.89 0.3 表 4 竖直钻孔爆破实验参数
Table 4. Parameters of blasting experiment
炮孔编号 起爆位置 D/mm h/cm d/mm L/cm Lb/cm m/kg Ⅰ-1 上、底部 76 800 50 600 200 12.0 Ⅰ-2 底部 76 800 50 600 200 12.0 Ⅱ-1 中部 76 600 50 420 180 8.4 Ⅱ-2 底部 76 600 50 420 180 8.4 Ⅲ-1 中部 76 450 50 270 180 5.4 Ⅲ-2 底部 76 450 50 270 180 5.4 注:∅50 mm药卷由2节∅32 mm炸药捆绑而成。 表 5 实验S波震相初至时刻识别结果
Table 5. S-wave arrival identification in experiment
炮孔编号 t/ms 1# 2# 3# 4# 5# 6# Ⅰ-1 431.63 3.25 5.50 8.75 12.13 11.25 Ⅰ-2 899.50 471.13 473.13 476.50 479.88 478.63 Ⅱ-1 1 533.63 1 105.13 1 107.00 1 110.25 1 113.38 1 112.50 Ⅱ-2 1 630.88 1 202.50 1 204.25 1 207.50 1 210.13 1 209.88 Ⅲ-1 2 585.00 2 156.50 2 158.50 2 161.88 2 164.00 2 164.13 Ⅲ-2 3 054.88 2 626.38 2 628.25 2 631.63 2 634.00 633.75 -
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