Detonation characteristics of C5-C6 fuels under simulated plateau-condition
摘要: 针对军事上使用的碳氢燃料C5-C6,借助自行设计的立式爆轰管装置,通过改变管体内初始环境温度和压力,研究当温度低于常温,压力小于一个大气压时此种碳氢燃料的爆轰性能,得到爆轰参数分别随初始温度和初始压力变化的规律,并将实验数据与常温常压条件下的数据相对比。结果表明:在常温条件下,环境初始温度对燃料爆轰参数的影响远小于初始压力的影响,当环境初始压力下降至常压的一半时,燃料的爆轰状态接近临界爆轰状态。研究成果可为云爆武器在高原条件下使用的性能预计提供实验数据补充和支持。Abstract: Via self-designed detonation tube, the detonation characteristics of hydrocarbon fuels were studied, and the conditions of low temperature and vacuum were considered. After systematic experiments, the relationship between detonation characteristics and ambient conditions were obtained and compared with that of normal condition. The results showed that the influence of the initial pressure played a more important role than the initial temperature, and when the initial pressure decreased to half of the barometric pressure, the detonation of hydrocarbon fuel was in critical condition. The achievements will be a complement and support the prediction of weapon performance for fuel-air explosives.
Key words:
- hydrocarbon fuels /
- detonation /
- detonation characteristics /
- ambient temperature /
- ambient pressure
表 1 传感器布置位置及量程参数
Table 1. Positions of pressure sensors and its parameter ranges
传感器 1 2 3 4 5 6 高度/m 1.4 1.9 2.4 2.9 3.4 3.9 最大量程/MPa 6.864 6.875 6.884 6.857 6.901 6.921 -
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