Dynamic response experiment of surrounding rocks under influence of mine earthquake and mined-out area
摘要: 为得到矿震与采空区同时存在时围岩动力响应规律,以进一步得到两者耦合致灾机理,采用模型试验方法,进行带孔圆板冲击试验。得到采空区围岩产生与重力无关的负加速度和呈指数增长的切向加速度的试验结果。根据单组试验结果,得到矿震与采空区的耦合致灾机理,包括加剧覆岩沉陷和冒落、中夹岩柱产生指向震源的加速度、上部地表产生水平剪切加速度等结论。综合试验结果,采空区孔径的尺寸效应和矿震动荷载的放缩效应不会影响上述试验结论。Abstract: To find about the dynamic response patterns of surrounding rock in which mine earthquake and mined-out area exist side by side, and obtain the mechanism leading to disasters under the coupled action of the two, we conducted a percussion test on circular plates having holes and established a model for it. The model test shows that negative acceleration is monitored in the surrounding rock, that the negative acceleration is unrelated with the gravity effect, and that tangential acceleration is also monitored. With the increase of the diameter of the hole, the tangential acceleration around the circular plate exponentially increased. According to the results of the experiment, we arrived at the mechanisms leading to disasters under the coupled action of mine earthquake and mined-out area, including the intensified subsidence and caving in overburden of the goaf, the formation of the horizontal acceleration in shared rock pillars of mined-out area pointing to the source location, the formation of the horizontal shear acceleration in the upper part of the surrounding rock where mine earthquake and mined-out area exist side by side. Comprehensive analysis of the test data, size effect of mined-out area and zoom effect of mine vibration load, do not affect the test results.
Key words:
- mine earthquake /
- seismic waves /
- mined-out area /
- dynamic response /
- three-underground mining
表 1 试件混凝土组分用量
Table 1. Concrete mixture dosage of specimen
试件类别 水泥用量/kg 水用量/kg 黄砂用量/kg 石子用量/kg 外加剂用量/kg 实心圆板 8.595 75 3.532 5 11.323 6 24.079 9 0.025 708 8 带孔圆板 8.179 72 3.361 5 10.775 6 22.914 4 0.024 464 4 表 2 对比试验敲击响应加速度
Table 2. Response acceleration of knocking test on contrast test
传感器 第一轮 第二轮 aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) 1 0 32.88 0 31.52 2 0 29.73 0 29.73 3 0 31.01 0 44.56 4 0 27.71 0 33.26 表 3 对比试验敲击响应加速度
Table 3. Response acceleration of knocking test on contrast test
传感器 第一轮 第二轮 第三轮 第四轮 aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) aφ/(m·s-2) ar/(m·s-2) 1 0 -8.06 0 -5.77 0 -33.65 0 -25.47 2 0 6.55 0 2.92 0 48.48 0 41.46 3 -3.52 5.41 -3.77 3.04 -20.69 20.72 -42.03 50.86 4 3.92 7.93 12.82 10.21 36.55 16.55 23.87 34.98 -
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