Explosive compaction-sintering of tungsten/copper gradient material
摘要: 采用爆炸压实/扩散烧结方法成功制备出高致密度的钨铜梯度材料。首先,使用机械合金化法分别制备50% W-50% Cu,75% W-25% Cu的钨铜合金粉末,并将两种合金粉末依次铺在铜板表面进行预压、通氢烧结,然后进行爆炸压实,最后对爆炸压实后的试件进行扩散烧结,得到高致密度且层间结合紧密的钨铜梯度材料。对样品分析表明,铜在钨铜颗粒间的交界面处富集,其中50% W-50% Cu层中的钨颗粒未发生长大,75% W-25% Cu层中钨与铜出现了在局部区域富集的情况,钨铜层中钨铜的含量与起始加入的钨铜粉末配比保持一致。对各钨铜层进行孔隙度检测可见,50% W-50% Cu层的孔隙度为0.04%,75% W-25% Cu层的孔隙度为0.11%。钨铜层的硬度也呈现出梯度变化,维氏硬度值在125~341之间,远大于铜基体的50。
- 爆炸压实/扩散烧结法 /
- 涂层 /
- 钨铜合金 /
- 维氏硬度 /
- X射线能谱分析
Abstract: In this study we investigated the explosive compaction-sintering for fabricating a high-density tungsten/copper alloy on a copper surface. First, 50% W-50% Cu tungsten/copper alloy powder and 75% W-25% Cu were prepared by mechanical alloying. Next, the alloy powders were pre-compacted and sintered in hydrogen atmosphere, followed by explosive compaction. Then, a high-density tungsten/copper gradient material was obtained with the coatings and the matrix tightly bonded and the copper enriched at the interfaces between the tungsten/copper particles. The tungsten grains in the 50% W-50% Cu layer did not grow, and in the 75% W-25% Cu layer the tungsten and copper were enriched in local regions. Porosity tests were carried out, the porosity of the 50% W-50% Cu layer was 0.04%, and that of the 75% W-25% Cu layer was 0.11%. The contents of tungsten and copper in the coatings were similar to the added ratio of the tungsten powder and copper powder. The hardness of the tungsten/copper gradient layer exhibited a tendency of gradient change, varying between 125-341, much bigger than 50, that of the copper.-
Key words:
- explosive compaction-sintering /
- coating /
- tungsten/copper alloy /
- energy dispersive spectrometer /
表 1 压力与材料密度之间的关系
Table 1. Relation between pressure and material density
ρ/ρ0 pmin 0.950 2.0 σs (维氏硬度≈0.67) 0.990 3.1 σs (维氏硬度≈1.00) 0.999 4.6 σs (维氏硬度≈1.54) 表 2 观测点处最大压力
Table 2. Maximum pressure at observation points
观测点 p/GPa G1 1.65 G2 3.31 G3 3.31 G4 5.44 G5 5.44 G6 4.09 G7 3.31 G8 3.31 G9 2.97 G10 5.44 G11 5.44 G12 5.44 G13 3.31 G14 3.31 G15 3.31 G16 5.44 G17 5.44 G18 5.44 -
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