Cavity expansion response of concrete targets under penetration
摘要: 利用LS-DYNA有限元软件对刚性弹正侵彻混凝土靶进行数值模拟,以混凝土极限压应变和极限拉应变两阈值为依据,对侵彻过程中混凝土靶空腔膨胀响应区域进行了识别划分,得到了侵彻过程中混凝土各响应区的区域大小。另外,还讨论了弹体侵彻速度对混凝土粉碎区和破裂区的影响,以及粉碎区和破裂区边界膨胀速度分别与侵彻速度的关系。计算结果表明,随着弹体侵彻速度的增大,混凝土粉碎区和破裂区界面速度都增大,粉碎区半径增大,而破裂区半径却减小;当侵彻速度达到某一特定值时,破裂区将会消失。Abstract: The LS-DYNA was used to simulate the process of a rigid projectile normally penetrating into a concrete target. Based on the two threshold values of ultimate compressive strain and ultimate tensile strain of the concrete, the cavity expansion response regions of the concrete target were identified and the size of each concrete response region in the penetration process was obtained. The effect of the penetration velocity on the crushed and cracked regions of the concrete was analyzed. The relationships between the boundary expansion velocity of the crushed/cracked regions and the penetration velocity were discussed. The results indicate that with increasing the initial impacting velocity, the interface velocities of the crushed/cracked regions and the radius of the crushed region increase, but the radius of the cracked region decreases. At last, the cracked region may disappear when the penetration velocity achieves a certain critical value.
Key words:
- concrete /
- penetration /
- cavity /
- expansion response region /
- interface expansion velocity
表 1 K&C模型中混凝土的材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of concrete in the K&C model
密度/(kg·m-3) 泊松比 σt/MPa A0/MPa RSIZE UCF 2 440 0.2 4 -48 3.94×102 145 密度/(kg·m-3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 屈服强度/MPa 失效应变 7 910 210 0.3 表 3 弹体剩余速度
Table 3. Residual velocities of projectiles
初始速度/(m·s-1) 剩余速度/(m·s-1) 实验[11] 模拟 301 0 0 381 136 157 434 214 234 606 449 454 749 615 616 1 058 947 936 -
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