Explosion overpressure of hydrogen cloud in catalytic reforming process
摘要: 基于计算流体力学分析软件(FLACS),以催化重整反应单元为例建立事故模型,研究不同形状障碍物、泄漏位置,对不同泄漏时间和泄漏监测点的氢气爆炸超压的影响情况。通过研究,建立了与气体燃烧热与爆炸监测点距气团中心距离相关的最大爆炸超压模型。研究结果表明,在研究设计的遮挡物条件下,气体爆炸最大超压与折合距离在对数坐标系中均呈近似线性关系;对于不同的遮挡物,爆炸超压模型需进行修正;在反应器中部发生的事故场景,泄漏5 min后最大爆炸超压明显增大。Abstract: Because the structure and shape of processing equipment in petrochemical industry are complex normally, the explosion overpressure of gas is hard to be predicted by traditional explosion overpressure models. Base on the computational fluid dynamics software (FLACS) and the accident model of the catalytic reforming process, the effects of different factors (obstacle shape, leakage position) on the explosion overpressure of hydrogen at different times and different monitoring points were investigated. The explosion overpressure models for overpressure, combustion heat of hydrogen and distance from the center of gas cloud were established. The results show that, the overpressure approximately follows a linear relationship with scaled distance in a logarithmic coordinate system; the explosion overpressure model should be modified for different kinds of obstacles; when the leakage time achieves 5 minutes, the accident occurring in the middle of the reactor shows increasing overpressure obviously.
Key words:
- catalytic reforming process /
- hydrogen /
- explosion /
- overpressure
表 1 典型催化重整工艺火灾/爆炸事故
Table 1. Fire/explosion accidents in catalytic reforming process
时间 设备 类型 物料 原因 2008年9月12日 PSA单元 爆炸 氢气 管线弯头破裂,导致氢气泄漏 2015年4月6日 吸附分离单元 爆炸/燃烧 混合芳烃 管道焊口断裂,混合芳烃泄漏 表 2 引火点1不同泄漏时间氢气-空气气团爆炸最大超压
Table 2. Maximum overpressure of H2-air cloud explosion in ignition position 1
距离/m pmax/Pa 1 min 3 min 5 min 7 min 1 4.97×103 4.40×103 3.99×103 3.73×103 4 5.67×103 4.39×103 4.01×103 3.73×103 7 6.09×103 5.47×103 4.49×103 3.86×103 10 3.77×103 4.57×103 4.75×103 5.51×103 13 2.88×103 3.25×103 3.10×103 3.72×103 16 2.35×103 2.63×103 2.51×103 2.66×103 19 1.97×103 2.18×103 2.06×103 2.19×103 22 1.66×103 1.81×103 1.68×103 1.83×103 25 1.44×103 1.53×103 1.42×103 1.59×103 28 1.26×103 1.30×103 1.24×103 1.40×103 31 1.10×103 1.10×103 1.08×103 1.19×103 34 9.78×102 9.72×102 9.62×102 1.03×103 37 8.92×102 8.92×102 8.60×102 8.82×102 40 8.47×102 8.51×102 7.93×102 7.98×102 43 7.88×102 7.38×102 5.81×102 6.14×102 46 8.29×102 7.20×102 5.70×102 6.27×102 49 8.84×102 6.93×102 5.49×102 6.29×102 52 9.27×102 6.88×102 5.55×102 6.43×102 表 3 引火点1上方不同氢气泄漏时间模拟公式a、b系数及决定系数r2
Table 3. Values of a, b and r2 in each formula of H2 in ignition position 1 for different leakage times
泄漏时间/min a b r2 1 -0.97 -1.86 0.955 9 3 -1.211 -2.05 0.994 1 5 -1.341 -2.20 0.991 7 7 -1.361 -2.23 0.989 6 表 4 引火点2不同泄漏时间氢气-空气气团爆炸最大超压
Table 4. Maximum overpressure of H2-air cloud explosion in ignition position 2
相对方位 距离/m pmax/Pa 1 min 3 min 5 min 7 min 气团中心下方 2.5 5.09×103 6.20×103 1.73×104 1.82×104 5.5 7.13×103 6.38×103 1.53×104 1.59×104 8.5 3.67×103 6.99×103 1.29×104 1.32×104 11.5 3.16×103 6.56×103 1.27×104 1.10×104 14.5 2.69×103 5.46×103 1.15×104 1.07×104 17.5 2.52×103 5.42×103 1.56×104 1.33×104 20.5 1.95×103 3.54×103 5.97×103 5.67×103 23.5 2.02×103 3.59×103 6.62×103 5.99×103 26.5 2.14×103 3.66×103 6.02×103 5.81×103 29.5 2.27×103 3.84×103 6.84×103 6.87×103 气团中心上方 2.5 5.03×103 6.10×103 1.74×104 1.85×104 5.5 6.87×103 6.26×103 1.48×104 1.54×104 8.5 4.30×103 7.50×103 1.36×104 1.23×104 11.5 3.32×103 5.94×103 1.21×104 9.15×103 14.5 2.60×103 4.67×103 1.17×104 1.00×104 17.5 2.14×103 3.79×103 1.00×104 8.23×103 20.5 1.79×103 3.09×103 8.27×103 6.50×103 气团中心平行位置 4.5 6.20×103 6.66×103 1.48×104 1.58×104 7.5 5.40×103 7.07×103 1.31×104 1.26×104 10.5 5.09×103 7.69×103 1.72×104 1.40×104 13.5 2.85×103 5.05×103 1.41×104 1.30×104 16.5 2.22×103 4.38×103 1.30×104 1.26×104 19.5 1.81×103 3.72×103 1.08×104 1.04×104 22.5 1.53×103 3.11×103 8.99×103 8.08×103 25.5 1.32×103 2.57×103 7.27×103 6.32×103 28.5 1.14×103 2.10×103 5.95×103 4.97×103 31.5 9.52×102 1.65×103 4.78×103 3.96×103 34.5 7.37×102 1.24×103 3.76×103 3.23×103 37.5 4.78×102 8.08×102 2.71×103 2.49×103 40.5 1.69×102 3.00×102 1.15×103 1.06×103 表 5 引火点2上方不同氢气泄漏时间模拟公式a、b系数及决定系数r2
Table 5. Values of a, b and r2 in each formula of H2above ignition position 2 for different leakage times
泄漏时间/min a b r2 1 -1.00 -1.85 0.996 2 3 -1.01 -1.77 0.987 8 -
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