A double-striker electromagnetic driving SHPB system for soft materials
摘要: 软材料的动态力学性能研究一直备受关注,目前分离式Hopkinson压杆(split Hopkinson pressure bar, SHPB)技术是其最重要的测试手段,然而在测试超软材料时实验装置设计方面仍存在许多有待改进之处。本文中研制了一套双子弹电磁驱动SHPB系统,使用聚碳酸酯作为杆件材料以克服软材料试件带来的诸多困难,引入了双子弹设计方案解决了电磁驱动方式难以应用于非铁磁材料的问题,并有效保证了子弹速度的准确控制。使用双子弹电磁驱动SHPB系统和传统金属SHPB装置同时对硅胶材料的动态力学性能进行了测试,实验结果的吻合性验证了本套系统的可靠性。应用双子弹电磁驱动SHPB系统开展了聚乙烯醇(polyvinyl alcohols, PVA)水凝胶这种超软材料在高应变率下的实验,成功表征出其动态力学性能。
- 分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB) /
- 电磁驱动 /
- 双子弹 /
- 软材料
Abstract: The dynamic mechanical properties of soft materials have attracted great attention, and the separated Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) technique is the most important test method at present. However, the SHPB technique still needs some improvements when it is applied to extra-soft materials. So, a double-striker electromagnetic driving SHPB system was developed. In the developed system, the bars were made of polycarbonate, and the double-striker scheme was designed to precisely control the velocities of the strikers. Both the aluminum SHPB facility and the double-striker electromagnetic driving SHPB system were employed to carry out dynamic experiments on the silicone, and the agreement between the test results by these two systems indicated the reliability of the innovative system. And dynamic mechanical properties of PVA hydrogels were successfully tested by the double-striker electromagnetic driving SHPB system. -
表 1 聚碳酸酯杆件的长度
Table 1. Lengths of polycarbonate bars
组号 子弹长度/mm 入射杆长度/mm 透射杆长度/mm 1 200 600 300 2 400 1 000 600 表 2 子弹速度与充电电压的关系
Table 2. Relation between striker velocity and charging voltage
充电电压/V 长200 mm子弹的
速度/(m·s−1)长400 mm子弹的
速度/(m·s−1)充电电压/V 长200 mm子弹的
速度/(m·s−1)长400 mm子弹的
速度/(m·s−1)100 1.52±0.10 1.61±0.08 260 2.86±0.09 4.37±0.08 120 1.82±0.09 1.91±0.07 280 2.90±0.10 4.44±0.09 140 1.98±0.09 2.26±0.07 300 3.13±0.11 4.64±0.08 160 2.14±0.09 2.60±0.08 320 3.19±0.11 4.85±0.10 180 2.30±0.10 2.97±0.08 340 3.28±0.10 5.07±0.09 200 2.46±0.10 3.35±0.07 360 3.32±0.11 5.28±0.09 220 2.55±0.09 3.98±0.07 380 3.52±0.12 5.57±0.10 240 2.67±0.09 4.17±0.08 -
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