Experimental and theoretical study of symmetrical grooved-nose projectile penetrating into semi-infinite aluminum target
摘要: 在综合考虑弹体结构稳定性及截面比动能的前提下, 提出一种介于尖卵形弹体及尖锥形弹体间的头部对称刻槽弹体, 以期达到提高侵彻深度的目的。以尖卵形弹体侵彻深度为基准, 开展头部对称刻槽弹体侵彻半无限厚铝合金靶实验。在此基础上, 推导得到可描述头部对称刻槽弹体侵彻2A12铝合金靶过程的局部相互作用模型。同时, 结合头部对称刻槽弹体侵彻后靶体破坏现象, 提出适用于头部对称刻槽弹体的靶体响应力, 进而确立头部对称刻槽弹体的侵彻深度模型。实验结果与理论计算表明, 头部对称刻槽弹体具有相对于尖卵形弹体更好的侵彻能力。头部对称刻槽弹体侵彻深度提高的原因是弹体头部结构截面比动能增加及其侵彻过程中的靶体弱化效应, 其中弱化效应是侵彻深度提高的主控因素。Abstract: To achieve excellent penetration performance with high-quality utilization ratio, the symmetrical grooved-nose projectile is proposed between the ogive-nose projectile and conical-nose projectile.Aiming to provide insight into the penetration performance of symmetrical grooved-nose projectile, comparative penetration tests are conducted from moderate to low velocities.Based on the experimental study, the localized interaction model for symmetrical grooved-nose projectile penetrating into semi-infinite aluminum target is derived.Combined with the phenomenon of target damage, the normal stresses acting on the localized surface of the symmetrical grooved-nose are proposed and then the penetration depth of symmetrical grooved-nose projectile can be calculated.The results of experiment and theoretical model prove that the symmetrical grooved-nose projectile has a more excellent penetration performance than the ogive-nose projectile.The reasons of increasing penetration depth for symmetrical grooved-nose projectile are the increasement of specific kinetic energy of cross section of the projectile head and the target weakening effect during penetration, and the decisive factor is the target weakening effect.
表 1 尖卵形弹体和头部对称刻槽弹体侵彻深度实验对比
Table 1. Experiment data of DOP between ogive-nose projectile and symmetrical grooved-nose projectile
实验号 尖卵形弹体 头部对称刻槽弹体 侵彻速度v0/(m·s-1) 质量m/g 侵彻深度P/mm 侵彻速度v0/(m·s-1) 质量m/g 侵彻深度P/mm 1 417 65.5 35.6 373 66.3 36.2 2 501 66.3 41.2 453 66.0 45.1 3 615 66.4 59.8 615 66.3 67.2 4 676 65.7 63.5 648 66.2 71.2 5 719 65.6 73.0 691 66.4 79.2 6 742 65.6 77.8 745 66.0 89.0 7 793 65.9 86.4 768 65.7 95.2 -
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