Study on wall damage of vessel in high-speed fragment impact liquid-filled vessel
摘要: 为研究高速破片(钨球)撞击充液容器(贯穿前后壁面)时容器壁面的毁伤情况,利用ANSYS/LS-DYNA对该过程进行了数值模拟,分析了破片撞击动能对充液容器前后壁面毁伤程度的影响,并进行实验验证。结果表明:高速破片撞击充液容器形成的液压水锤对充液容器前后壁面的破坏程度可分为3个等级,即前后壁面均未出现裂纹、前壁面没有出现裂纹后壁面出现裂纹和前后壁面均出现裂纹且后壁面呈花瓣式开裂;破片撞击充液容器过程中,前后壁面的最大变形量和前后壁面的裂纹总数随破片撞击动能的增加而增大。Abstract: We analyzed the influence of the impact energy on the damage degree of the front and rear walls and verified it by experiments. The results show that the hydrodynamic ram formed by a high-speed fragment impacting the liquid-filled vessel affects the vessel's front and rear walls and that the degree of the damage can be divided into three levels:the cracks are not observed on the front and rear walls; cracks are observed on the rear wall surface but on the front wall surface; cracks are observe on both front and rear walls and the rear wall is petal-type cracked. The maximum deformation of the front and rear walls and the total number of cracks in the front and rear walls increase with the increase of the impact energy of the fragments during the fragment impact process of the liquid-filled vessel.
Key words:
- ordnance science and technology /
- high speed fragment /
- liquid-filled vessel /
- hydrodynamic ram /
- wall damage /
- impact /
- damage
表 1 前后面板材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of front and rear walls
材料 ρ/(kg·m-3) E/GPa μ A/MPa B/MPa C n m 铝2024-T4 2797 69.63 0.33 265 462 0.015 0.34 1.0 注:ρ-密度,E-弹性模量,μ-泊松比,A-屈服强度,B-应变硬化洗漱,C-应变率相关系数,n-应变硬化指数,m-温度相关系数. 表 2 Grüneisen状态方程参数
Table 2. Parameters of Grüneisen EOS
体积声速/(m·s-1) us-up曲线斜率 Grüneisen常数 5 286 1.4 2.0 表 3 破片材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of fragment
材料 密度/(kg·m-3) 弹性模量/GPa 泊松比 钨 17 600 350 0.284 表 4 水和空气的主要材料参数表
Table 4. Material parameters of water and air
材料 密度/(kg·m-3) 体积声速/(m·s-1) us-up曲线斜率 C4 C5 水 1 000 1 480 1.979 - - 空气 1.25 - - 0.4 0.4 表 5 部分实验情况及结果表
Table 5. Part of the experimental situation and results
日期-发序 m/g v0/(m·s-1) vr/(m·s-1) E0/J δf/cm δr/cm 2016.12.23 -2 4.04 768 453 1 191.44 0.17 0.61 2016.12.23-3 4.03 1 049 699 2 217.31 0.48 0.98 2016.12.23-4 4.04 1 097 757 2 430.87 0.64 1.23 2016.12.23-5 4.01 1 399 933 3 924.19 0.68 2.87 2016.12.23-8 4.05 1 560 1 066 4 928.04 0.98 2.48 2017.03.26-1 8.10 1 028 755.8 4 279.98 0.69 2.69 2017.03.26-2 8.04 1 077.5 772.8 4 667.25 0.56 1.77 2017.03.26-3 8.14 1 026.7 740.1 4 290.24 0.59 21.9 2017.03.26-7 8.09 885.7 594.14 3 173.16 0.44 1.65 2017.03.26-8 8.08 1 130 808 5 158.68 0.70 3.14 2017.04.15-1 8.11 724.8 551.9 2 130.23 0.49 1.67 2017.04.15-2 8.06 1 238 948.1 6 176.56 1.19 4.12 2017.04.15-5 8.12 1 417 1 010 8 152.03 1.35 4.36 2017.04.15-6 8.11 1 554 1 082 9 792.48 1.31 4.07 注:m-破片质量,v0-破片撞击速度,vr-破片穿出容器后剩余速度,E0-破片撞击动能,δf-前壁面最大变形量,δr-后壁面最大变形量 表 6 试验与数值仿真中破片剩余速度对比
Table 6. Comparison of residual velocities in experiment and numerical simulation
日期-发序 E0/J vr/(m·s-1) 误差/% δf/cm 误差/% δr/cm 误差/% 实验 计算 实验 计算 实验 计算 2016.12.23-2 1 191 453 429 5.3 0.17 0.19 -11.76 0.61 0.66 -8.20 2017.03.26-2 4 667 772.8 761 1.4 0.56 0.63 -12.5 1.77 1.57 11.29 2017.04.15-6 9 792 1 082 1123.9 -3.9 1.31 1.29 1.5 4.07 3.49 14.25 -
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