Research on penetration of small size fragment to single soldier protection equipment
摘要: 为了探究了小尺寸破片是否能有效穿透普通单兵防弹衣与防弹头盔,以球型破片为对象,利用试验得出了0.2 g钨合金球型破片侵彻Ⅲ级防弹衣与Ⅳ级防弹头盔的极限穿透速度;通过数值模拟的方法得出了防弹衣与防弹头盔的等效Q235靶板厚度,并探究了质量变化对破片极限穿透速度的影响规律。上述研究结论对新型高效反步兵武器与单兵基本防护装备的研制与开发都有重要的参考价值。Abstract: In order to find out whether the small size fragment can penetrate the ordinary single-soldier bulletproof clothes and bulletproof helmets effectively, the spherical fragment has been selected as the object, obtained the limit velocities of the 0.2 g spherical tungsten alloy fragment penetrating the level Ⅲ body armor and level Ⅳ bulletproof helmet. The thickness of Q235 equivalent targets of body armor and bulletproof helmet is obtained by the means of numerical simulation, and the influence rule of the fragment's mass on the limit velocity is investigated.The conclusions is important to the development of new anti-infantry weapons and soldier's basic protective equipments.
表 1 侵彻防弹衣试验数据表
Table 1. Data of penetrating test
序号 靶前速度/
(m·s-1)破片状态 1 933.2 597.0 穿透 2 838.4 406.9 穿透 3 784.3 340.6 穿透 4 771.5 290.2 穿透 5 740.7 270.4 穿透 6 739.5 228.9 穿透 7 716.8 216.5 穿透 8 706.3 15.1 穿透 9 699.8 0 嵌入 10 663.4 0 未穿透 11 604.6 0 未穿透 表 2 侵彻防弹头盔试验数据
Table 2. Data of penetrating helmet
着靶位置 序号 靶前速度/
(m·s-1)破片状态 四周 1 790.6 穿透 2 775.3 穿透 3 753.6 穿透 4 748.4 穿透 5 739.5 穿透 6 728.8 嵌入 7 701.5 未穿透 顶部 8 733.4 穿透 9 707.3 穿透 10 671.7 穿透 11 649.5 穿透 12 620.1 穿透 13 606.2 未穿透 表 3 Q235材料CJ模型参数表
Table 3. Parameters of CJ model of Q235
ρ/(g·cm-3) G/GPa A/MPa B/MPa c m n Tm/K Tr/K D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 7.85 77.3 325 220 0.022 0.83 0.21 1793 293 -43.408 44.608 -0.016 0.0145 0.046 表 4 Q235材料状态方程参数
Table 4. Parameters of equation of state of Q235
C S1 S2 S3 γ0 E 0.519 1.33 0 0 2.17 0 表 5 钨合金材料kinematic模型参数
Table 5. Parameters of kinematic model of tungsten alloy
ρ/(g·cm-3) E/GPa) μ σy/MPa η/MPa β εc εr FS 17.82 366.99 0.303 1506 792 1 3.9 6 1.2 表 6 等效靶侵彻仿真结果表
Table 6. Simulation result of penetrating the equivalent target
靶板厚度/mm 靶前速度/(m·s-1) 靶后速度/(m·s-1) 破片状态 3.5 703.1 139.6 穿透 3.7 703.1 78.4 穿透 3.8 703.1 36.5 穿透 3.9 703.1 0 未穿透 4.0 703.1 0 未穿透 表 7 不同破片侵彻等效靶极限穿透速度
Table 7. Critical velocity of different fragments penetrating the equivalent target
破片质量/g vⅢ/(m·s-1) vⅣ/(m·s-1) 0.15 782 798 0.20 703 734 0.25 655 671 0.30 620 635 0.35 589 603 0.40 562 576 -
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