Comparative studies on characteristics of elastic wave radiated
from the tamped explosion in loess and rock-like sandy soil
摘要: 研究地下爆炸弹性区的震动特性,关键是获得场地介质与爆炸能量耦合作用下辐射弹性波的实验参数。对于不易加工成大尺寸模型的砂土岩,为研究其填实爆炸下辐射弹性波的特征,采用0.125 g TNT微型炸药球作为爆炸源,以塑性区可置换的
$\varnothing $ 1 370 mm×1 200 mm黄土样品作为提供应力波传播路径的载体,用波阻抗近似相等的重塑黄土和砂土岩样品分别作为源区介质,对比分析了两种介质中微药量填实爆炸辐射的弹性波传播特征。实验结果表明:在测试范围内,两种介质中填实爆炸激发的弹性应力波粒子速度(位移)峰值的衰减规律、波形的主频变化规律一致;砂土岩中爆炸辐射的弹性波粒子速度(位移)峰值整体高于黄土、粒子速度波形的半高宽和主频低于黄土;砂土岩中爆炸耦合的向外传播的弹性波能量比黄土大。实测结果反映,黄土和砂土岩中填实爆炸弹性波能量耦合强度的差别。Abstract: In order to study the vibration characteristics of the elastic zone of underground explosion, the key is to obtain the experimental parameters of the radiated elastic wave under the coupling of the site medium and the explosive energy. The rock-like sandy soil is not easily processed into large size model. To study the characteristics of the elastic wave radiated from the tamped explosion, a method was proposed by using 0.125 g TNT spherical charge as the explosive source and taking a$\varnothing $ 1 370 mm×1 200 mm loess sample with replaceable plastic-zone as a carrier for providing the propagation path. The characteristics of the elastic stress wave radiated from the tamped explosion in loess and rock-like sandy soil were investigated. The experimental results show that in the test range, the attenuation laws of the peak of the particle velocity (or displacement) and the variation for the dominant frequency of the particle velocity in the two media are consistent. The peak of the particle velocity (or displacement) for the elastic wave radiated from the tamped explosion in rock-like sandy soil is higher than that of loess, the full width at half maximum and the dominant frequency of the particle velocity are lower than that of loess. The coupling elastic wave energy between the tamped explosion and sandy soil is larger than that of loess. Measured results reflect the difference of elastic wave energy coupling strength of the tamped explosion in loess and sand rock explosion.-
Key words:
- underground explosion /
- elastic wave /
- particle velocity /
- attenuation of wave /
- loess /
- rock-like sandy /
- tamped explosion
表 1 黄土和砂土岩样品各成分组成(单位:%)
Table 1. Components of loess and rock-like sandy soil (unit: %)
材料 石英 石膏 方解石 绿泥石 蒙脱石 闪石 伊利石 白云石 斜长石 钾长石 赤铁矿 黄土 52 5 3 4 2 8 2 16 8 砂土岩 69 2 4 3 5 11 4 2 -
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