Study on measurement of gas temperature and pressure after explosion in closed cavity at small-scaled distance
摘要: 为实现空腔爆炸温度、压力变化趋势的准确测量,基于铠装K型热电偶和压力变送器,建立密闭空腔爆后气体温度、压力测量系统。设计密封隔热防护装置,将传感器的敏感端与信号调理模块分别安装在两个密封腔内,有效提高了传感器在大当量爆炸冲击条件下的存活率。在0.86 m/kg1/3比距离密闭空腔大当量爆炸条件下,对传感器及防护装置的性能进行考核验证,爆后测量采集到了有效的气体温度及压力变化历程,且传感器状态能够最终恢复至正常状态。测试结果表明,使用密封隔热安装的K型热电偶和压力变送器可以满足小比距离密闭空腔爆后气体静态温度、压力测量需求。Abstract: For the purpose of accurate measurement of temperature and pressure changes in cavity explosion, a gas temperature and pressure after explosion measurement system was built for closed explosion based on K-type thermocouple and pressure transmitter. By designing a heat-insulation protection device, sensors' sensitive areas and signal modulation modules were installed in two different seal cavities independently. By doing this, sensors' survival under blast wave was raised. Sensors and the protect device were tested at the scaled distance of 0.86 m/kg1/3. Gas temperature and pressure after explosion efficient changing progress was gained and sensors can be restored to the initial state. The test result shows that by installing K-type thermocouple and pressure transmitter to proper protecting device, gas temperature and pressure changing progress after explosion can be measured at small scaled closed explosion.
表 1 材料参数
Table 1. Mechanical parameters of relevant materials
材料 E/GPa EP/GPa ν σy/MPa ρ/(g·cm-3) Q345钢 210 10 0.28 345 7.85 -
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