Blasting vibration signal analysis technology of construction of nuclear power plant based on improved MP-WVD algorithm
摘要: 针对爆破施工产生的振动问题,结合现有信号分析方法优缺点,引入MP-WVD组合算法解决信号分析过程中交叉项干扰问题,可提高时频分辨率,满足精确提取核电爆破振动响应信号时频分布特征的需求;将HHT算法引入MP算法数据的预处理,成功降低了MP算法运算复杂度,可为大数据量分析奠定基础。运用该算法对漳州核电一期工程场地平整土石方爆破工程振动监测信号进行分析,精确提取了爆破振动信号的时频特征。Abstract: In this study, an MP-WVD combination algorithm is introduced to solve the cross term interference problem in signal analysis. The time-frequency resolution has been improved, which meets the requirement of accurately extracting time-frequency distribution characteristics of nuclear power station blasting vibration response signals. Introduction of HHT algorithm into the data preprocessing of MP algorithm has successfully reduced the computational complexity of MP algorithm, and laid the foundation for large data analysis. Combined with the first phase project of Zhangzhou nuclear power station, the improved algorithm has been applied to analyze blasting vibration signals. The time-frequency characteristics of blasting vibration signals in the surrounding terrain and earth rock environment of the nuclear power station were obtained. This will provide reference for vibration monitoring and safety protection of blasting in the extension project.
表 1 两种方法所用机时对比
Table 1. Comparison of machine time between two methods
合成信号类型 信号波形 传统 MP 所用机时/s 改进 MP 所用机时/s 单正弦 96.11 1.90 双正弦 77.13 1.90 三正弦 82.96 1.71 典型爆破振动信号 82.08 1.58 注:信号长度,N=512,残差截断阈值,σ=0.05,CPU 型号,Intel Core i7-4710MQ,主频 2.5~3.1 GHz。 表 2 爆破参数表
Table 2. Blasting parameters
孔径/mm 孔数 孔深/m 孔距/m 排距/m 抵抗线/m 孔药量/kg 段药量/kg 总药量/kg 115 47 13.0 5.5 3.2 2.2 85.0 170.0 3 984 -
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