Measuring the detonation reaction zone structure ofJOB-9003 explosive using PDV
炸药的反应区数据对爆轰过程的精密建模具有重要意义,为了得到JOB-9003炸药的反应区信息,采用光子多普勒测速仪(PDV)对JOB-9003炸药的爆轰反应区进行了实验研究。实验中利用火炮发射高速蓝宝石飞片冲击起爆被测炸药,在炸药后表面安装镀膜氟化锂(LiF)窗口测量炸药一维稳态爆轰时的界面粒子速度,测试过程的时间分辨率小于1 ns,测速相对不确定度小于2%。通过读取界面粒子速度时程曲线的拐点来确定CJ点,根据阻抗匹配公式计算炸药的CJ压力。研究结果表明,JOB-9003炸药界面粒子速度时程曲线上存在较为明显的拐点,JOB-9003炸药的化学反应时间为(11±2)ns,对应的化学反应区宽度为(0.075±0.014)mm,JOB-9003炸药的CJ爆压为(35.6±0.9)GPa,冯诺依曼(Von Neumann)峰处的压力为(47.9±1.2)GPa。
Abstract:In order to obtain the chemical reaction zone of HMX based JOB-9003 explosive, experimental measurements on the detonation wave profile of solid explosives using photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV) have been performed. Planar detonations were produced by impacting the explosive with sapphire flyer launched from a powder gun. Particle velocity wave profiles were measured at the explosive/window interface. LiF windows with very thin vapor deposited aluminum mirrors were used in the experiments. The time resolution of PDV is about 1 ns, and the velocity uncertainty is less than 2%. The measurements show distinct end to the reaction zone indicating a CJ point in JOB-9003. The results show that the reaction time of JOB-9003 is (11±2) ns, and the corresponding reaction length is (0.075±0.014) mm. The CJ pressure is (35.6±0.9) GPa, and the pressure at Von-Neumann spike is (47.9±1.2) GPa.
Key words:
- detonation reaction zone /
- HMX /
- CJ pressure /
- laser interferometric method
表 1 实验测得的JOB-9003爆轰反应区参数
Table 1. Reaction zone parameter of JOB-9003 measured from experiments
探头 uVN/(m·s−1) uCJ/(m·s−1) PVN/GPa PCJ/GPa τ/ns shot 1-P1 2 519 1 943 48.8 35.6 11 shot 1-P2 2 495 1 934 48.2 35.4 11 shot 1-P3 − 1 940 − 35.5 11 shot 2-P1 2 477 1 948 47.8 35.7 11 shot 2-P2 2 513 1 945 48.7 35.7 11 shot 2-P3 2 402 1 932 46.0 35.4 11 平均 2 481±50 1 940±39 47.9±1.2 35.6±0.9 11±2 注:(1)shot 1-P1表示第1发实验中的第1个探头。(2)平均值中不确定度主要来自于界面粒子速度测试。 -
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