Dynamic compression behavior of rock and simulation of damage effects of hypervelocity kinetic energy bomb
摘要: 目前正在研制的超高速动能武器对地打击速度达(5~15)马赫左右, 具有侵彻机理独特, 毁伤效应倍增的特点, 现有理论难以准确描述。本文系统总结了侵爆近区岩石介质的动态可压缩性行为, 发现(5~15)马赫超高速弹侵彻近区岩石介质介于流体和固体弹塑性之间的内摩擦侧限压力状态, 创新提出流体弹塑性内摩擦侵彻理论模型, 填补了低应力弹塑区到高应力流体区之间的应力状态表征空区, 首次获得随弹体侵速变化的弹靶相互作用全过程阻抗演变公式, 界定了钻地弹固体侵彻、拟流体侵彻和流体侵彻的最小动能阈值, 系统提出了超高速动能弹打击侵深、成坑及地冲击安全厚度的计算方法。通过弹体侵速1 100~4 200 m/s的(超)高速侵彻实验, 验证了理论计算公式的准确性。Abstract: The hypervelocity kinetic energy weapon that strikes the ground at the speed from 5 Mach to 15 Mach has some unique characteristics of penetration mechanism and damage effects, which cannot be accurately described by ths existing theories.In this paper, the dynamic compressibility behavior of rock, penetration and explosion effects in the near zone is systematically summarized.It is found that the actual stress in the rock impacted under velocity of 5 Mach to 15 Mach is between fluid state and elasto-plasticity state.A theoretical model of hydro-elastoplastic-frictional penetration model is proposed, which fills the gap of stress state between elastic-plastic state and hydro-dynamic state.For the first time, the impedance formula is obtained, which can describe the stress state of whole interaction process between target and projectile.The minimum kinetic energy threshold of solid penetration, pseudofluid penetration and fluid penetration is defined.The methods for calculating hypervelocity impact effects including penetration depth, crater radius and the safety thickness of protective layer are proposed in the paper.In addition, the accuracy of the theoretical formula is verified by a series of penetration tests with the impact speed from 1 100 m/s to 4 200 m/s.
岩石类型 花岗岩 片麻-花岗岩 石英岩 板岩 石灰岩 砂岩 τp/GPa 0.97~1.19 0.68 0.61 0.48~0.57 0.87~1.02 0.90 表 2 第一阶段实验测试结果
Table 2. Test results of the first phase
序号 发射速度/(m/s) 发射速度Ma 侵彻深度h/L 弹体残余质量m/mj 1 1 196 0.798 2.200 0.975 2 1 426 0.951 2.704 0.968 3 1 430 0.953 2.885 0.965 4 1 600 1.067 3.035 0.950 5 1 654 1.103 2.481 0.950 6 1 752 1.168 1.619 0.313 7 1 789 1.193 1.539 0.288 8 1 808 1.205 1.730 0.316 表 3 第二阶段实验综合量测结果
Table 3. Test results of the second phase
序号 发射速度/(m/s) 发射速度Ma 侵彻深度h/L 靶体表面破碎区直径Rc/d0 1 1 829.4 1.220 0.806 25.69 2 2 231.0 1.487 1.250 38.19 3 2 600.3 1.734 0.861 36.81 4 2 806.9 1.871 1.444 39.58 5 2 878.2 1.919 1.667 46.53 6 3 199.6 2.133 1.611 53.82 7 3 542.1 2.361 1.722 65.28 8 4 135.6 2.757 1.806 78.47 注:序号3实验结果异常,未列入图13中。 -
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