A test method of motion parameters of static explosion based on high-speed photography
摘要: 为提高静爆试验中破片初速和速度衰减系数解算的可信度,提出了基于高速摄影视觉测量的静爆破片运动参数测试方法,该方法主要包括高速摄像机数据采集、视觉测量解算破片轨迹、基于运动模型拟合求解三个步骤。试验证明,该方法能够准确获取各破片的初速和速度衰减系数,可信度高,是一种有效的静爆试验破片运动参数测试方法。Abstract: In order to increase the reliability to obtain fragments’ velocities and velocity attenuation coefficients in static explosion experiments, a vision-measurement method based on high-speed photography is proposed in this paper. We use high speed cameras to acquire images and visually solve the fragment trajectory. A kinematic model is then applied to fit fragments’ initial velocities and velocity attenuation coefficients. Experimental results show that the test method is valid which can considerably increase the accuracy of the data.
表 1 破片轨迹数据数
Table 1. Fragment trajectory data
序号 相对时间/s Xp/m Yp/m Zp/m 1 0.000 0 −1.543 −1.739 11.091 2 0.000 2 −1.548 −1.766 11.270 3 0.000 4 −1.582 −1.790 11.445 4 0.000 6 −1.617 −1.815 11.620 5 0.000 8 −1.625 −1.843 11.799 6 0.001 0 −1.662 −1.873 11.964 7 0.001 2 −1.700 −1.897 12.138 8 0.001 4 −1.724 −1.922 12.310 $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ $ \vdots $ 70 0.013 8 −3.280 −3.333 22.059 表 2 破片初速测量结果对比
Table 2. Measuring results of fragments initial velocity
序号 破片初速/(m∙s−1) 相对误差/% 雷达结果 本文结果 测量差 1 1 247.134 1 248.026 0.892 0.072 2 1 259.958 1 261.512 1.554 0.123 3 1 244.799 1 246.479 1.680 0.135 4 1 258.652 1 260.044 1.392 0.111 5 1 248.419 1 248.962 0.543 0.043 6 1 248.159 1 249.028 0.869 0.070 7 1 254.402 1 255.992 1.590 0.127 8 1 252.940 1 253.645 0.705 0.056 9 1 243.181 1 244.091 0.910 0.073 10 1 253.706 1 255.206 1.500 0.120 11 1 253.890 1 254.460 0.570 0.045 -
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