Blast-resistant mechanism of RC beam with kinked rebar and calculation method of dynamic resistance coefficient
Abstract:To improve the blast resistance of reinforced concrete (RC) beam, an efficient design method was proposed that bending the longitudinal bar as a wave at an appropriate location in the beam. Combing the experimental results and calculation of finite element model, the damage process of the RC beam with local kinked rebar was found, and the mechanism of blast resistance was revealed. Analytical results indicated that the kinked rebar can increase the allowable deformation of the RC beam under blast loads, effectively absorbing the explosive energy and greatly improving the blast-resistant performance. A theoretical method was developed to calculate the blast resistance of the RC beam with local kinked rebar under blast loads, on base of the energy method. Explicit formulae of the dynamic resistance coefficient were derived. The influences of three key design parameters, e.g. the bearing capacity ratio of platform period to yielding period, the deformation ratio of platform period to elastic period and the deformation ratio of yielding period to elastic period, on the blast resistance of RC beam with local kinked rebar were discussed. It provides a theoretical basis for further engineering application.
Key words:
- kinked rebar /
- RC beam /
- dynamic resistance coefficient /
- blast load /
- dynamic response
表 1 起波配筋RC梁参数
Table 1. Parameters of the RC beam with local kinked rebar
混凝土强度/MPa 纵筋屈服强度/MPa 纵筋极限强度/MPa 箍筋屈服强度/MPa 箍筋极限强度/MPa 跨长/m 梁宽/m 梁高/m 43.4 441.1 686.2 338.1 470.1 2.7 0.2 0.3 表 2
$ {\bar K_{1,2}}$ 、Ψ1,e、Ψ2,e、κe,p的主要影响因素Table 2. Major factors of
${\bar K_{1,2}}$ , Ψ1,e, Ψ2,e, κe,p参数 主要影响因素 $\scriptstyle {\bar K_{1,2}}$ 钢筋在RC梁中的起波位置 Ψ1,e 钢筋的起波矢高、起波角度 Ψ2,e 钢筋的伸长率,RC梁的配筋率 κe,p 钢筋的强度、起波角度、起波矢高,RC梁的截面高度 表 3 算例参数范围
Table 3. Parameter scope for theoretical analysis
参数 $\scriptstyle{\bar K_{1,2}}$ Ψ1,e Ψ2,e 范围 0, 0.5, 0.9 [0,7] [0,10] -
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