Study on JH-2 model of the ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy
摘要: 为了更好的进行ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金药型罩的爆炸成形及侵彻仿真研究,首要就是建立其材料模型。本文结合ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金力学性能试验结果计算得到了材料的JH-2模型参数,研究确定了ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金JH-2模型。为了验证ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金JH-2模型的准确性,采用Autodyn建立了平板撞击试验有限元模型,模拟了ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金材料在高压、高应变率等环境条件下的变形过程,仿真计算得到的靶板背面自由面粒子速度与试验结果相比,速度平均偏差均在3%以内,表明ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金JH-2模型能很好的描述该材料在大变形、高应变率、高压等环境条件下的力学行为,验证了ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金JH-2模型准确性。
- ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金 /
- JH-2模型 /
- Autodyn /
- 有限元
Abstract: It is very important to establish the material model for the explosive forming and penetration simulation of ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy. In this paper, the JH-2 model parameters of the ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy were calculated by the experimental results. In order to verify the accuracy of the ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy JH-2 model, the finite element model of plate impact test was established by Autodyn. The deformation process of ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy under high pressure and high strain rate was simulated. Compared with the experimental results, the average velocity deviation of the free surface particles on the back surface of the target plate is less than 3%. It is shown that the JH-2 model of ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy can well describe the mechanical behavior of the material under large deformation, high strain rate, high pressure and other environmental conditions, and the accuracy of JH-2 model of ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy is verified.-
Key words:
- ZrCuNiAlAg bulk amorphous alloy /
- JH-2 model /
- Autodyn /
- finite element
表 1 SHPB试验结果
Table 1. SHPB test results
气压/MPa 应变率/s−1 原始尺寸/mm 整形片整形片尺寸/mm 压缩强度/GPa 0.17 600 3.84×3.61 10×10×0.25 1.06 0.22 2214 3.81×3.64 10×10×0.25 1.25 0.30 2783 3.85×3.61 10×10×0.25 1.46 0.35 3129 3.82×3.63 10×10×0.25 1.59 表 2 压缩力学性能试验结果
Table 2. Test results of compressive mechanical properties
试验编号 $\dot \varepsilon $/s−1 σ/GPa p/GPa σ* p* CMT#1 4×10−2 1.23 0.407 0.211 0.071 CMT#2 4×10−2 1.24 0.409 0.213 0.072 CMT#3 4×10−2 1.24 0.416 0.213 0.072 SHPB#1 2 214 1.25 0.418 0.215 0.073 SHPB#2 2 783 1.46 0.489 0.251 0.086 SHPB#3 3 129 1.59 0.529 0.273 0.093 SHPB#4 3 132 1.64 0.571 0.282 0.100 表 3 块体非晶合金碎片准静态压缩试验结果
Table 3. Quasi-static compression test results for bulk amorphous alloy fragments
试验编号 $\dot \varepsilon $/s−1 σ/GPa p/GPa σ* p* 1 1×10−2 1.26 0.42 0.216 0.074 2 2×10−2 1.41 0.43 0.242 0.075 表 4 ZrCuNiAlAg块体非晶合金材料模型参数
Table 4. Material model parameters
ρ/(g·cm−3) A1/kPa A2/kPa A3/kPa D1 N C 6.581 2.303×109 4.716×1010 8.873×1011 0.005 1.153 0.094 T1/kPa A B σHEL/kPa D2 M G/kPa 2.303×109 0.296 1.03 5.82×106 1 0.383 3.704×106 表 5 计算与试验结果对比
Table 5. Comparisons between calculated results and experimental results
试验编号 试验速度/(m·s−1) 计算速度/(m·s−1) 误差/% 1 350 340 2.9 2 390 379 2.8 3 439 427 2.7 4 502 489 2.6 5 550 535 2.7 -
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