Penetration resistance and fracture mechanism of high-hardness polyurea coating
摘要: 鉴于高硬度聚脲与常规聚脲弹性体的区别,研究了高硬度聚脲涂覆钢板结构的抗侵性能及涂层断裂机制。通过弹道实验加载3.3 g立方体破片撞击无涂层、迎弹面涂层、背弹面涂层与双面涂层4种涂覆类型靶板,获得靶板的弹道极限,分析了不同涂覆方式下结构的抗侵性能、涂层断裂规律与微观断口形貌。结果表明:破片冲击作用下,迎弹面涂层断裂程度高且吸能性好,能够有效提高结构抗侵性能,而背弹面涂层破坏先于钢板层且吸能性差,对结构抗侵性能无提升作用;涂层断裂呈现一定的速度效应、厚度效应与微观特征,其规律反映了不同位置涂层的吸能差异。Abstract: In view of its differences from the conventional polyurea elastomer, we investigated the penetration resistance and fracture mechanism of coatings made from high-hardness polyurea sprayed on steel plates, using the ballistic experiment to obtain the ballistic limit of uncoated and coated steel plates subjected to 3.3 g cubic fragments, in consideration of polyurea coatings on the front side, the back side and on both sides in coated plates. We also analyzed the penetration resistance, fracture patterns and micro-morphologies of the coatings in different coated structures. The results indicate that the front coatings with severe fractures exhibited a high energy absorption capability, thereby improving the penetration resistance of the coated plates whereas, however, the back coatings that had been destroyed before the steel plates exhibited a lower energy absorption capability, which was bad for raising the penetration resistance. Under the fragment impact, polyurea coatings exhibited obvious velocity effects, thickness effects and micro-morphological characteristics, reflecting the differences of energy absorption in each configuration.
Key words:
- high-hardness polyurea /
- coated steel plate /
- penetration resistance /
- cubic fragment /
- coating fracture
表 1 聚脲力学性能参数
Table 1. Mechanical property parameters of polyurea
产品型号 密度/(g·cm-3) 拉伸强度/MPa 撕裂强度/(kN·m-1) 断裂伸长率/% 邵氏硬度 SPUA-307 1.02 25 81 45 D65~75 SPUA-502[4] 1.02 15 71 200 A85~89 SPUA-601[5] 1.02 16 50 450 SPUA1220[6] 1.02 15 71 200 SPUA-306[7] 1.02 24 85 400 A85~89 Polyurea[8] 31 Elastomer A95 Eraspray ESU630D[9-10] 1.065 Elastomer D(63±3) Polyurea[11-15] Elastomer 表 2 实验工况与结果
Table 2. Configurations and results of different plates
靶板类型 钢板厚度/mm 涂层厚度/mm 面密度/(kg·m-2) 弹道极限/(m·s-1) 弹道极限提高率/% 极限比吸收能/(J·m2·kg-1) 极限比吸收能提高率/% 钢板 3 0 23.52 367.73 0 9.49 0 聚脲/钢板 3 6 29.64 501.99 36.5 14.03 47.8 钢板/聚脲 3 6 29.64 377.16 2.6 7.92 -16.5 聚脲/钢板/聚脲 3 3+3 29.64 462.17 25.7 11.89 25.3 表 3 3 mm涂层的破坏与断裂规律
Table 3. Failure patterns of 3 mm polyurea coatings
涂层位置 破坏特征 破坏情况 断裂示意图 vi=252.90 m/s vi=349.78 m/s vi=442.74 m/s 迎弹面 典型破坏形貌 径向裂纹数量 4 4 断裂直径d/mm 42 47 50 背弹面 典型破坏形貌 径向裂纹数量 10 11 13 断裂直径d/mm 16 24 30 -
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