Blast-resistant performance of aluminum foam-protected reinforced concrete slabs
摘要: 为研究多孔吸能材料泡沫铝板对工程结构的抗爆防护作用,开展室外爆炸破坏实验,分别对设置不同泡沫铝防护层的钢筋混凝土(reinforced concrete,RC)板在爆炸荷载下的动态响应及破坏模式进行了研究,并运用LS-DYNA软件建立了有限元模型。通过与实验对照,验证了模型的可行性,对比分析了有、无泡沫铝防护层钢筋混凝土板的损伤破坏规律,并讨论了泡沫铝密度梯度分布和纵筋配筋率的影响。结果表明:有限元模型能够有效分析含泡沫铝防护层RC板的动态响应及其破坏形态;泡沫铝防护层能够有效减小钢筋混凝土板的挠度变形,降低试件的破坏程度;泡沫铝密度由下到上递增情况对RC板的减爆效果最好;增大配筋率可以提升泡沫铝防护RC板整体抗爆性能。Abstract: n order to study the blast-resistant protective effect of the aluminum foam slab as porous energy absorbing material on the engineering structure, using an outdoor explosion test, the dynamic response and failure modes of reinforced concrete (RC) slabs with different aluminum foam protective layers under blast loading were studied, and the finite element model was established by using the LS-DYNA software. Through comparison with the test, the feasibility of the model was verified. The dynamic responses of RC slabs with or without aluminum foam protective layers were compared and analyzed, and the effects of aluminum foam density gradient distribution and longitudinal reinforcement ratio were analyzed. The results show that the finite element model can accurately describe the dynamic response of RC slabs with aluminum foam protective layers. Aluminum foam protective layers can effectively reduce the deflection of reinforced concrete slabs and reduce the damage of specimens. The aluminum foam density increases from bottom to top, which has the best blast-resistant performance on RC slabs. Moreover, increasing the reinforcement ratio can improve the blast-resistant performance of aluminum foam-protected RC slabs.
表 1 试件编号及密度分布
Table 1. Number of test specimens and their density distribution
试件编号 泡沫铝类型 密度/(kg·m-3) 平均 第1层 第2层 第3层 第4层 N1 NF2 密度均匀 300 NF3 密度线性变化 300 225 275 325 375 NF4 密度线性变化 300 375 325 275 225 NF5 密度无序变化 300 325 275 225 375 表 2 位移峰值和残余位移的测量结果
Table 2. Measured results of displacement peaks and residual displacements
试件编号 位移峰值/cm 残余位移/cm N1 32.8 19 NF2 18.7 12 NF3 16.0 10 NF4 21.9 13 NF5 20.6 12 表 3 泡沫铝板密度分布
Table 3. Density distributions of aluminum foam slabs
模型编号 泡沫铝密度分布 密度/(kg·m-3) 平均 第1层
(0~20 mm)第2层
(20~40 mm)第3层
(40~60 mm)第4层
(40~60 mm)D1 密度均匀 200 D2 300 D3 400 D4 密度线性变化 300 225 275 325 375 D5 300 375 325 275 225 D6 密度无序变化 300 325 275 225 375 D7 300 275 225 325 375 D8 300 375 275 325 225 表 4 关键参数对比
Table 4. Comparison of key parameters
模型编号 位移峰值/cm 残余位移/cm D1 20.09 12.69 D2 18.82 11.53 D3 17.81 9.88 D4 16.02 9.31 D5 20.01 12.61 D6 18.42 11.32 D7 17.84 10.54 D8 19.68 12.13 表 5 关键参数对比
Table 5. Comparison of key parameters
配筋率/% 峰值位移/cm 残余位移/cm 0.90 20.64 13.97 1.35 18.82 11.53 1.86 17.30 9.40 -
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