Dynamic response of thin-wall circular tubes under transverse blast loading
摘要: 采用实验研究、理论分析和有限元模拟相结合的方法,研究了横向爆炸载荷作用下薄壁圆管的动态响应。利用弹道冲击摆锤系统,对圆管在爆炸载荷下的动力响应进行了实验研究,分析了薄壁圆管的变形模式;基于地基梁模型,建立了横向爆炸载荷作用下圆管跨中挠度的理论模型,并进行了无量纲化;通过有限元模拟,分析了圆管的几何参数对其变形模式和跨中挠度的影响,并与理论结果进行了对比。研究结果表明:随着TNT药量增加圆管的变形区域和跨中挠度增大;圆管的长径比、厚度及爆炸载荷参数对圆管的变形模式有较大影响;理论预测、有限元模拟结果与实验结果吻合较好。Abstract: In this paper we investigated the dynamic response of thin-wall circular tubes under lateral blast loading based on experimental research, theoretical analysis and finite element simulation. We studied the dynamic responses of the tubes under explosion using the ballistic pendulum system and analyzed the deformation modes of the thin-wall tubes, and based on the foundation beam model, established a theoretical model of the mid-span deflection of the circular tube under lateral blast loading and made it dimensionless. We also analyzed the influence of the geometric parameters of the circular tube on its deformation mode and mid-span deflection using finite element simulation and compared it with the theoretical prediction. The results show that the deformed area and the mid-span deflection of the circular tube increase with the increase of the TNT mass. The length-to-diameter ratio, wall-thickness of the circular tube and the loading impulse all have a great influence on the mid-span deflection of the circular tube. The theoretical prediction and the numerical results are both in good agreement with the experimental results.
Key words:
- circular tube /
- blast loading /
- modal solution /
- beam-on-foundation /
- finite element
表 1 试件几何参数和实验冲量与理论冲量对比
Table 1. Geometrical parameters and comparison of the experimental and theoretical impulses
试件 D/m h/m w/mm W/g $\bar H$/(m·kg−1/3) ΔpΦ/(kg·cm−2) ΔpΦr/(kg·cm−2) p0/MPa IE/(N·s) IT/(N·s) [(IT-IE)/IE]/% Ⅰ 89 0.9 5.5 20 0.55 22.7 148.2 14.8 9.8 9.2 −6.12 Ⅱ 89 0.8 29.1 35 0.46 34.0 236.0 23.6 14.9 14.7 −1.34 Ⅲ 76 0.8 26.8 35 0.46 34.0 236.0 23.6 13.6 12.6 −7.35 Ⅳ 76 0.7 29.5 35 0.46 34.0 236.0 23.6 13.4 12.6 −5.97 表 2 横向爆炸载荷下圆管跨中挠度
Table 2. Mid-span deflection circular tube under transverse blast loading
D/mm h/mm p0/MPa w/mm Theory FEA Experiment 76 0.7 23.6 31.68 34.21 29.5 76 0.8 23.6 24.19 28.84 26.8 76 0.9 23.6 19.06 22.86 − 89 0.7 14.8 10.72 14.19 − 89 0.8 14.8 8.19 9.80 − 89 0.9 14.8 6.46 7.35 5.5 89 0.7 23.6 27.25 38.34 − 89 0.8 23.6 20.83 29.24 29.1 89 0.9 23.6 16.43 23.32 − -
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