Prototypical experiment and numerical simulation of ground vibrationresulting from explosion in shallowly buried gas pipelines
摘要: 针对浅埋高压输气管道爆炸产生的地面振动效应,采用现场试验结合数值模拟的方法展开研究。组织实施了全尺寸天然气管道爆炸试验,掌握了高压输气管道爆炸地面振动的量级范围以及衰减规律。经试验数据分析得到,埋地高压天然气管道爆炸造成的地面振动主要产生于物理爆炸过程中,随后发生的天然气爆燃过程并未产生明显的地面振动。基于非线性有限元程序 LS-Dyna建立了高压输气管道爆炸试验计算模型,计算结果与试验现象吻合较好,验证了模型参数设计的合理性。进一步分析了管道爆炸瞬间管内气体-管壁-土体的相互作用机理、应力分布以及裂纹扩展规律。由计算结果分析得到,管道开裂是由于内部高压气体推动管壁向两侧扩展在裂纹尖端处形成了应力集中,管壁冲击土体的速度可达50 m/s,冲击产生的塑性状态向远处传播逐渐衰减为弹性应力波,即形成了地面振动效应。研究成果揭示了高压气体管道爆炸地面振动的主要成因,可为爆炸事故振动预防提供理论参考和技术支持。Abstract: In this paper, we investigated the ground vibration effect caused by high pressure gas pipeline explosion using field experiment and numerical simulation. We found out about the magnitude range and attenuation mechanism of the ground vibration of high-pressure gas pipelines by conducting a full-scale explosion experiment of natural gas pipelines. According to the data analysis, the ground vibration caused by the explosion of the buried natural gas pipeline mainly occurred in the physical explosion process, and the subsequent natural gas deflagration process did not produce obvious ground vibration. Based on the LS-Dyna software, we established a high-pressure gas pipeline blasting experiment model, verified the rationality of the model parameter design by comparing the experimental results with the simulation results, and analyzed the process of the gas-pipe-wall-soil interaction, stress distribution and crack propagation in the pipeline explosion. We found that the pipe cracking was caused by the high-pressure gas pushing the pipe wall to the sides to form a stress concentration at the crack tip, that the pipe wall squeezed the soil at a peak speed of 50 m/s, and that the plastic state generated by the impact gradually attenuated to the elastic stress wave, forming the ground vibration effect. We also revealed the main causes of ground vibration by pipeline explosion. Our study can provide theoretical reference and technical support for the prevention of vibration-related accidents.
Key words:
- pipeline explosion /
- ground vibration /
- attenuation mechanism /
- tube-soil action
表 1 振动测试仪性能参数
Table 1. Technical parameters of the vibration recorders
型号 通道数 频响范围/Hz 量程/(cm·s−1) 读数精度/% 采样率/s−1 Blast-UM 3 5~300 < 35 0.1 1 000~10 000 TC-4850 3 5~500 < 35 0.1 1 000~50 000 表 2 气体模型主要参数
Table 2. Main parameters of gas model
部位 材料号 密度/(g·cm−3) 状态方程 内能/(g·cm2·μs −2) 管内气体 *MAT_NULL 9.160×10−2 *EOS_LINEAR_POLYNOMIAL 3.00×10−4 管外空气域 *MAT_NULL 1.292×10−3 *EOS_LINEAR_POLYNOMIAL 2.50×10−6 表 3 金属模型主要参数
Table 3. Main parameters of metal model
部位 材料号 密度/(g·cm−3) 剪切模量/(g·cm−1·μs−2) 泊松比 状态方程 内能/(g·cm2·μs −2) 管体材料 *MAT_JOHNSON_COOK 7.89 0.77 0.3 *EOS_GRÜNEISEN 3.00×10−4 表 4 土体模型主要参数
Table 4. Main parameters of soil model
部位 材料号 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性模量/(g·cm−1·μs−2) 泊松比 土体材料 *MAT_PLASTIC_KINEMATIC 1.8 3.23×10−4 0.25 -
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