3D mesoscale modeling method and dynamic mechanical properties investigation of concrete
摘要: 根据混凝土材料的细观组成和结构特点,基于三维Voronoi图形提出了一种简单高效的混凝土细观模型生成方法,利用塑性损伤模型对该细观模型进行了单、多轴应力状态下的准静态分析以及SHPB动态有限元分析。结果表明,数值模拟得到的应力应变曲线和破坏模式与实验结果基本吻合,本文中提出的混凝土三维细观模型可较好地模拟混凝土的静、动态力学特性,为进一步从细观力学角度研究混凝土损伤演化规律和破坏机理提供了模型基础。Abstract: According to the mechanical properties and components of concrete from the mesoscale viewpoint, a simple and high-efficiency method based on 3D-Voronoi is proposed to construct realistic meso-structure model of concrete. In this paper, 3D mesoscale numerical simulation is conducted using damaged plasticity modeling under quasi-static and dynamic load. The simulation results resemble the corresponding experimental results both in strain-stress curves and failure modes. The current method can simulate static and dynamic mechanical properties well. In addition, the proved 3D model can provide an effective approach in elucidating fundamental mechanical behavior of concrete-like materials.
表 1 细观组分材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of three-phase materials
材料 弹性模量/
GPa泊松比 抗压强度/
MPa砂浆 25 0.20 35 3.5 ITZ 18 0.20 20 3.0 粗骨料 43 0.23 − − -
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