12.7 mm动能弹斜侵彻复合装甲的数值模拟研究

王维占 赵太勇 冯顺山 杨宝良 李小军 陈智刚

王维占, 赵太勇, 冯顺山, 杨宝良, 李小军, 陈智刚. 12.7 mm动能弹斜侵彻复合装甲的数值模拟研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2019, 39(12): 123301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0425
引用本文: 王维占, 赵太勇, 冯顺山, 杨宝良, 李小军, 陈智刚. 12.7 mm动能弹斜侵彻复合装甲的数值模拟研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2019, 39(12): 123301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0425
WANG Weizhan, ZHAO Taiyong, FENG Shunshan, YANG Baoliang, LI Xiaojun, CHEN Zhigang. Numerical simulation study on penetration of a 12.7 mm kinetic energy bullet into a composite armor[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(12): 123301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0425
Citation: WANG Weizhan, ZHAO Taiyong, FENG Shunshan, YANG Baoliang, LI Xiaojun, CHEN Zhigang. Numerical simulation study on penetration of a 12.7 mm kinetic energy bullet into a composite armor[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2019, 39(12): 123301. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0425

12.7 mm动能弹斜侵彻复合装甲的数值模拟研究

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2018-0425

    王维占(1990- ),男,博士研究生,530056679@qq.com


    赵太勇(1971- ),男,博士,副教授,1043414401@qq.com

  • 中图分类号: O382; TJ55

Numerical simulation study on penetration of a 12.7 mm kinetic energy bullet into a composite armor

  • 摘要: 通过弹道枪实验对斜置角度为0°~60°的陶瓷复合装甲进行了弹道极限测试,分析了靶板斜置角度对穿燃弹的弹道极限和钢芯质量变化、破坏形态的影响。利用数值模拟的方法对上述实验结果进行验证计算,鉴于数值计算结果与实验结果较好的一致性,进一步研究了陶瓷复合靶板斜置角度对穿燃弹钢芯穿靶偏移角和等效Q235钢靶厚度的影响。结果表明,随陶瓷复合靶板斜置角度的增大:弹道极限近似指数型提高;在相同弹道极限速度下,穿燃弹对Q235钢靶板的极限穿深和对斜置陶瓷复合靶板的极限穿深的等效厚度的比也随之增大;同时,钢芯完整度逐渐降低,穿靶偏移角反向增大。
  • 图  1  实验用12.7 mm穿燃弹及陶瓷复合靶板

    Figure  1.  A 12.7 mm armor-piercing bullet and a ceramic composite target plate used in experiments

    图  2  实验装置及场地布置

    Figure  2.  Experimental setup and site layout

    图  3  弹靶有限元模型

    Figure  3.  Finite element models for bullet and target

    图  4  部分回收钢芯式样及对应靶入、出孔图

    Figure  4.  Part of recovery steel core styles and corresponding into- and out-of-target holes

    图  5  部分钢芯及弹头壳的破坏形态

    Figure  5.  Failure modes of some steel cores and warhead shells

    图  6  陶瓷复合靶及穿燃弹钢芯的破坏形态

    Figure  6.  Failure modes of ceramic composite targets and steel cores of piercing incendiary bullets

    图  7  钢芯剩余质量与靶板斜置角度的关系

    Figure  7.  Residual mass of steel core varied with oblique angle of target plate

    图  8  弹道极限与靶板斜置角度的关系

    Figure  8.  Ballistic limit varied with oblique angle of target plate

    图  9  不同靶板斜置角度下实验钢芯试样破坏形态与数值模拟得到的钢芯应力云图

    Figure  9.  Failure patterns of steel core specimens used in experiments and stress distribution in ones by numerical simulation at different oblique angles of target plates

    图  10  斜侵彻复合靶等效厚度H

    Figure  10.  Equivalent thickness H of an obliquely-penetrated composite target

    图  12  子弹钢芯穿靶偏移角Δθ

    Figure  12.  Deflection angle Δθ of bullet steel core penetrating through target plate

    图  11  正侵彻等效Q235钢靶厚度h

    Figure  11.  Thickness h of an equivalent normally-penetrated Q235 steel target

    图  13  等效正侵彻Q235钢靶极限穿深条件下的弹靶破坏形态

    Figure  13.  Failure patterns of bullet and target under the limit penetration depth of equivalent Q235 steel target

    图  14  靶板斜置角度与钢芯穿靶偏移角的关系

    Figure  14.  Deflection angle of bullet steel core penetrating through target varied with oblique angle of target plate

    图  15  靶板等效厚度与靶板斜置角度的关系

    Figure  15.  Relation between equivalent thickness of target plate and its oblique angle

    图  16  陶瓷复合靶板和Q235钢靶的等效厚度比与靶板斜置角度的关系

    Figure  16.  Equivalent-thickness ratio of ceramic composite target to Q235 steel target varied with their oblique angle

    表  1  12.7 mm穿燃弹侵彻陶瓷复合靶板实验的部分有效数据

    Table  1.   Part of effective experimental data for penetration of 12.7 mm piercing incendiary bullets into ceramic composite targets

    1# 576穿透13.228.4
    0 593穿透14.730.1
    521嵌入 5.926.8
    2# 637穿透13.923.6
    15 593嵌入14.322.1
    579嵌入 7.620.7
    3# 693穿透13.117.6
    30 645嵌入 7.113.9
    4# 789嵌入 8.311.0
    45 765未嵌入15.6
    5#1 086嵌入 4.9 8.1
    601 213穿透13.3 6.0
    1 179穿透14.7 9.3
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    表  2  不同斜置角度下穿燃弹的弹道极限范围

    Table  2.   Ballistic limit range of piercing incendiary bullets at different oblique angles

    15579~637601 086~1 179
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    表  3  12.7 mm穿燃弹侵彻陶瓷复合靶板的结果

    Table  3.   Results of 12.7 mm piercing incendiary bullets penetrating into ceramic composite target plates

    060026.445 9259.3
    1567518.1601 3756.7
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    表  4  12.7 mm穿燃弹对复合靶和Q235钢靶的侵彻参数

    Table  4.   Penetration parameters of 12.7 mm armor-piercing incendiary on composite target and Q235 steel

    0 −0.816.0100.63
    15 −2.816.6120.72
    30 −4.218.5150.81
    45 −7.622.6190.83
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