Experimental and numerical study on normal penetration of a projectile into a reinforced concrete target
摘要: 开展了直径156 mm的大尺寸弹体正侵彻钢筋混凝土靶试验,通过预埋压力传感器获得了侵彻过程中不同位置处混凝土的压力值;结合数值模拟,分析了混凝土的损伤分区及不同位置的钢筋应力状态。结果表明:处于弹道附近的混凝土压力最大,峰值脉冲明显;随着距离的增加,峰值减小且脉宽增大,应力脉冲的形状由尖峰演变为相对平坦的波形。粉碎区内的钢筋达到其屈服强度,破裂区钢筋处于弹性状态,弹性区和未扰动区钢筋应力基本可以忽略。Abstract: A series of experiments were carried out on a 156-mm-caliber oval projectile penetrating into an reinforced concrete target. With the pre-arranged pressure sensors, the pressures at different positions in the concrete targets were obtained during the penetration. Combined with numerical simulation, the damaged regions in the concrete targets and the stress states of the steel bars at different positions were analyzed. The results show that the pressures in the concrete nearby penetration trajectories are highest and the corresponding peak pulses are obvious. With the increases of the distances from the penetration trajectories, the peak pulses decrease and the pulse widths increase, the shape of the stress pulses changes from peak to relatively flat waveforms. The stress of the steel bar in the crushed region reaches its yield strength, the steel in the cracked region is in an elastic state, and the stress of the steel bar in the elastic region and the undisturbed region can be neglected.
Key words:
- reinforced concrete /
- penetration test /
- numerical simulation /
- pressure distribution /
- steel stress
表 1 钢筋混凝土靶参数
Table 1. Parameters of reinforced concrete
尺寸/mm 压缩强度/MPa 钢筋直径/mm 钢筋屈服强度/MPa 2 500×2 500×1 800 30 10 345 表 2 侵彻试验结果数据
Table 2. Results of penetration test
Test fc/(MPa) v0/(m∙s−1) h/m D/m m0/kg m1/kg 1 30 650 1 120 1.5 32.576 32.216 2 675 1 320 1.7 32.658 32.498 3 680 1 320 正面严重损坏 33.177 32.607 表 3 弹材参数
Table 3. Parameters of projectile
材料 ρ/(kg·m−3) E/GPa μ σ/MPa ε 弹体 7 910 210 0.3 0 0 注:ρ为密度;E为弹性模量;μ为泊松比;σ为屈服强度;ε为失效应变。 表 4 K&C模型中混凝土的材料参数
Table 4. Parameters of K&C model
材料 ρ/(kg·m−3) μ Ft/MPa A0/MPa α β 混凝土 2 440 0.2 4 −48 3.94×102 145 界面 2 440 0.2 2 −10 3.94×102 145 注:A0为抗压强度,Ft为抗拉强度;α为长度单位转换因子,β为应力单位换算系数。 -
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