Penetration and energy release effect of W/ZrNiAlCu metastable reactive alloy composite rragment against RHA target
摘要: 为研究W/ZrNiAlCu亚稳态合金复合材料破片对RHA靶板的侵彻释能特性,采用高速摄影弹道枪侵彻实验和能量方程、Avrami-Erofeev方程理论分析的方法,对破片的侵彻释能过程、侵彻规律、释能规律进行了研究。结果表明,破片在撞击并贯穿靶板的过程中激发了材料的燃烧反应,在靶板前方和后方产生了明显火光,随着撞击速度增加,火光范围增加、亮度提高;破片撞击速度、冲塞体速度的关系符合采用能量法推导的包含质量损失的破片侵彻公式,破片理论弹道极限速度为987.1 m·s−1;在实验速度范围内,材料反应效率随着冲击压力的增加而增加,与实验现象吻合。Abstract: To study the penetration and energy release effect of W/ZrNiAlCu metastable reactive alloy composite fragment against RHA target, the penetration tests using high-speed camera and ballistic gun system were conducted. And the energy equation and Arami-Erofeev equation was produced to theoretical analyze the results of penetration tests. The results show that the combustion reaction of fragment is induced by penetration process, which initiates distinct flame in the front of the target and behind the target. The brightness and scope of flame are enhanced with the increase of impact velocity. The relationship between impact velocity and plug velocity conforms to the penetration equation deduced by energy method. The theoretical ballistic limit velocity is 987.1 m/s. The efficiency of reaction is enhanced with the increase of impact pressure within the experimental velocities, which consistent with the experiment.
表 1 破片侵彻实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results of fragments penetration
编号 m/g vi/(m·s−1) vp/(m·s−1) p/GPa 是否穿透 1# 6.65 726 − 16.46 否 2# 6.54 810 − 18.63 否 3# 6.39 995 − 23.62 否 4# 6.68 973 34 23.01 是 5# 6.80 1 067 137 25.63 是 6# 6.72 1 144 176 27.83 是 7# 6.37 1 159 131 28.26 是 8# 6.65 1 240 195 30.64 是 9# 6.51 1 295 317 32.28 是 10# 6.56 1 359 397 34.21 是 11# 6.68 1 508 497 38.85 是 表 2 W/ZrNiAlCu亚稳态合金复合材料参数[13]
Table 2. Parameters of W/ZrNiAlCu metastable reactive alloy composite
材料 C0/(m∙s−1) s γ0K αV/(10−5·K−1) CV/(J·g−1·K−1) Ea/(kJ·mol−1) n W/ZrNiAlCu 3 417 1.732 1.629 1.559 0.182 459.25 0.347 -
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