Application of flame retardant medium in fuel dispersion driven by explosive
摘要: 为解决燃料空气炸药中的燃料在中心分散装药爆炸驱动抛撒过程中易发生的窜火问题,结合中心分散装药结构设计,引入以超细干粉灭火剂为主体的阻燃介质,采用高速录像和红外热成像仪研究了中心分散药外部填充阻燃介质的情况下,对中心分散药爆炸火球产生的高温及火焰的抑制情况。试验结果表明,中心分散药爆炸火球的最高温度为1 355.4 ℃,温度超过150 ℃的持续时间为264.8 ms。外部填充阻燃介质后,中心分散药爆炸产生的火焰基本消失,火球最高温度下降90%以上,火球表面温度分布不超过100 ℃。同时进行了验证试验,采用填充阻燃介质的中心分散药抛撒1 kg的乙醚和铝粉的混合燃料,分散药与燃料的质量比超过4%时,云雾仍未发生窜火。表明填充阻燃介质可以有效防止燃料在爆炸抛撒过程中发生窜火的问题。Abstract: To solve the premature-combustion problem of FAE fuel during the dispersal process by explosive, fire retardant medium with superfine ABC powder as the main component was introduced along with the structural design of central dispersed explosive. High-speed camera and infrared thermal imager were used to study the temperature and flame generated by the dispersed explosive. The experimental results show that the maximum temperature of the dispersed explosive fireball was 1355.4 °C, and the duration of the temperature exceeding 150 °C was 264.8 ms. The flame generated by the dispersed explosive almost completely disappears after the introduction of the flame retardant medium. The maximum temperature of the fireball decreases by more than 90%, and the surface temperature of the fireball does not exceed 100 °C. At the same time, the verification experiment was carried out. The mixture fuel of 1 kg ether and aluminum powder was dispersed by the dispersed explosive filled with flame retardant medium. When the mass ratio of dispersed explosive to fuel was more than 4%, the premature-combustion was restrained successfully. It shows that filling the flame retardant medium can effectively prevent the premature-combustion in the fuel dispersion process.
Key words:
- fuel air explosive /
- dispersed explosive /
- premature-combustion /
- flame retardant medium
表 1 内管直径和侧面阻燃介质厚度
Table 1. Inner tube diameter and side flame retardant medium thickness
内管直径/mm 20 23 26 30 38 阻燃介质厚度/mm 0 1.5 3.0 5.0 9.0 表 2 火球表面温度测试结果
Table 2. Fireball surface temperature test results
序号 阻燃介质厚度/
(大于150 ℃)1 0 1 355.4 264.8 2 1.5 124.1 0 3 3.0 91.1 0 4 5.0 77.2 0 5 9.0 59.9 0 -
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