Effects of medium and static pressure on dynamic characteristics of piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor calibrated by shock tube
摘要: 激波管通常用于动态压力传感器的校准,压阻式绝压传感器在激波管校准过程当中,会出现谐振频率等动态性能指标随着激波管静态压力环境、气体介质变化而改变的情况,影响传感器动态特性的校准。基于压阻式传感器的工作原理,对传感器的敏感膜片结构进行了机理分析,建立了膜片结构与校准环境中介质和静压关系的动态模型;通过ANSYS与SIMULINK软件开展了数值模拟验证工作,模拟结果与理论推导一致。通过激波管校准实验验证了气体介质与静压的影响关系,结果表明:传感器的谐振频率与静压间存在非线性关系,并且随着敏感膜片径厚比的增大而显著增大;系统阻尼比大小与气体介质有关,随着气体密度的降低而升高;传感器的灵敏度与气体介质和静压无太大直接关系。在使用激波管校准压阻式绝压传感器时,应当考虑介质与静压参数对校准结果的影响。Abstract: Shock tube was usually used to calibrate the dynamic pressure sensor. During the calibration process of shock tube, the dynamic performance indexes of piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor, such as resonance frequency, depend on both the static pressure environment and gas medium of shock tube, affecting the calibration of dynamic characteristics of the sensor. Based on the working principle of piezoresistive pressure sensor, the mechanism of the sensing diaphragm structure was analyzed and a dynamic model was established. The numerical simulations using ANSYS and SIMULINK softwares have been performed and the simulation results are consistent with the theoretical predications. The results indicated that there was a non-linear relationship between the resonant frequency and the static pressure of the sensor, and it increased significantly with the increase of the diameter-thickness ratio of the sensing diaphragm. The damping ratio coefficient was related to the gas medium and increased with the decrease of gas density. The sensitivity of the sensor was related to neither the gas medium nor the static pressure. The effects of medium and static pressure parameters on the calibration of piezoresistive absolute pressure sensor should be considered.
表 1 实验结果
Table 1. Experimental results
实验 绝对压力p1/kPa 膜片厚度/mm 平台时间/ms Δp5/kPa 传感器输出/mV 灵敏度/(mV·kPa−1) 谐振频率/kHz 阻尼比系数 1 3.6 0.1 8.7 2.6 5.89 2.26 159.4 0.000 14 2 3.6 0.1 8.7 2.5 5.68 2.27 159.4 0.000 14 3 3.4 0.1 8.6 2.2 5.12 2.32 159.2 0.000 13 4 12.8 0.1 10.1 3.6 8.23 2.28 159.6 0.000 18 5 33.9 0.1 10.7 5.1 12.03 2.35 160.0 0.000 35 6 33.9 0.2 10.2 7.5 17.23 2.30 160.0 0.000 39 7 33.8 0.3 9.8 13.2 30.43 2.31 160.1 0.000 38 8 33.9 0.6 8.5 21.5 48.78 2.27 160.1 0.000 47 9 101.3 0.3 10.6 13.8 31.43 2.27 162.5 0.000 89 10 101.3 0.3 12.6 13.9 31.27 2.25 162.8 0.000 34 -
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