
杨招伟 卢文波 陈明 严鹏 胡英国 刘美山 吴新霞 冷振东

杨招伟, 卢文波, 陈明, 严鹏, 胡英国, 刘美山, 吴新霞, 冷振东. 基于实测爆破振动计算岩体介质P波品质因子[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2020, 40(6): 065202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0333
引用本文: 杨招伟, 卢文波, 陈明, 严鹏, 胡英国, 刘美山, 吴新霞, 冷振东. 基于实测爆破振动计算岩体介质P波品质因子[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2020, 40(6): 065202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0333
YANG Zhaowei, LU Wenbo, CHEN Ming, YAN Peng, HU Yingguo, LIU Meishan, WU Xinxia, LENG Zhendong. Calculation of P wave quality factor of rock mass based on measured blasting vibrations[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(6): 065202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0333
Citation: YANG Zhaowei, LU Wenbo, CHEN Ming, YAN Peng, HU Yingguo, LIU Meishan, WU Xinxia, LENG Zhendong. Calculation of P wave quality factor of rock mass based on measured blasting vibrations[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(6): 065202. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0333


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0333
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51779190,51809016)

    杨招伟(1992- ),男,博士,yangzw@whu.edu.cn


    卢文波(1968- ),男,博士,教授,博士生导师,wblu@whu.edu.cn

  • 中图分类号: O382

Calculation of P wave quality factor of rock mass based on measured blasting vibrations

  • 摘要: 爆破地震波传播衰减研究对爆破振动预测及安全控制有着重要的指导意义。针对爆破振动实测信号,结合P波、S波的初至识别结果,计算P波、S波在岩体中的传播速度及P波的上升时间,进一步得出岩体介质P波品质因子。结合现场实测振动数据,计算丰宁抽水蓄能电站及舟山绿色石化基地试验区域内岩体介质P波品质因子,计算结果分别为19.02和14.07。结果表明,通过实测地表爆破振动计算得到的P波品质因子远小于经验公式的计算值及一般原岩的品质因子,说明地表疏松层对爆破地震波的传播衰减有较大影响。
  • 图  1  爆破振动监测点布置

    Figure  1.  Arrangement of monitoring points of blast vibration

    图  2  上升时间计算

    Figure  2.  Calculation of the rise time

    图  3  爆破试验现场及仪器布置

    Figure  3.  Filed tests and arrangement of monitoring points

    图  4  炮孔及振动测点布置(单位:m)

    Figure  4.  Arrangement of testing points and blasting holes (Unit: m)

    图  5  实测典型爆破振动时程曲线

    Figure  5.  Measured blasting vibration velocity curves

    图  6  $\ln (xA(x))$$\ln \tau$线性拟合结果

    Figure  6.  Results of linear regression between $\ln (xA(x))$and $\ln \tau $

    图  7  上升时间$\tau $与爆心距$x$线性拟合

    Figure  7.  Results of linear regression between $\tau $ and $x$

    图  8  单孔爆破试验现场

    Figure  8.  Field photographs of blasting tests

    图  9  典型测点振动曲线

    Figure  9.  Typical measured curves of blasting vibration velocity versus time

    图  10  $\ln (xA(x))$$\ln \tau $线性拟合结果

    Figure  10.  Results of linear regression between $\ln (xA(x))$ and $\ln \tau $

    图  11  上升时间$\tau $与爆心距$x$线性拟合

    Figure  11.  Results of linear regression between $\tau $ and $x$

    表  1  竖直钻孔爆破实验参数表

    Table  1.   Parameters of blasting design of the field experiment

    3中部7660050420180 8.4
    4底部7660050420180 8.4
    5中部7645050270180 5.4
    6底部7645050270180 5.4
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    表  2  实测振动波形P波初至识别结果

    Table  2.   P wave first arrivals identification results

    31 531.501 101.881 101.131 101.131 100.251 093.25
    41 628.751 199.131 198.381 198.501 197.001 190.63
    52 583.132 153.502 153.002 153.132 153.132 145.00
    63 053.002 623.252 622.632 622.752 621.132 614.75
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    表  3  实测振动波形S波初至识别结果

    Table  3.   S wave first arrivals identification results

    31 533.631 105.131 107.001 110.251 113.381 112.50
    41 630.881 202.501 204.251 207.501 210.131 209.88
    52 585.002 156.502 158.502 161.882 164.002 164.13
    63 054.882 626.382 628.252 631.632 634.002 633.75
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    表  4  各测点上升时间计算结果

    Table  4.   Calculating results of rise time for various monitoring points

    $\tau $/msvmax/(cm·s−1)$\tau $/msvmax/(cm·s−1)$\tau $/msvmax/(cm·s−1)$\tau $/msvmax/(cm·s−1)
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    表  5  实测振动波形P波、S波初至识别结果

    Table  5.   Identification results of P and S wave first arrivals

    6# 23.618.9022.67
    8# 40.018.7025.11
    9# 54.618.7027.44
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    表  6  各测点上升时间计算结果

    Table  6.   Calculating results of rise times for various monitoring points

    测点$\tau $/msvmax/(cm·s−1)
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