The propagation laws of blast wave in unsaturated calcareous sand
摘要: 以球形TNT药包作为爆源,在密实的非饱和钙质砂中进行了一系列大尺寸爆炸模型试验。主要研究在不同药包质量、埋深及砂土试样含水率条件下,密实钙质砂中爆炸波的主要基本参数随传播距离增加而变化的规律。试验结果表明爆炸波主要以弹塑性波的形式在密实钙质砂中传播,在干燥和潮湿试样中塑性纵波波速随试样初始密度的增大或含水率的降低而增大,且范围分别为250~282 m/s和302~339 m/s。集团装药情况下,非饱和钙质砂中封闭爆炸的临界比例埋深约为2.25 m/kg1/3。在试验范围内,密实钙质砂中爆炸波的法向应力峰值及法向比冲量的衰减均服从爆炸相似律。封闭爆炸时,干燥钙质砂中爆炸波的应力衰减指数在测点比例爆心距大于或小于0.75 m/kg1/3处分别为2.94或1.37;潮湿钙质砂中爆炸波的应力衰减指数随含水率升高而增大,其范围为1.39~1.79。法向比冲量衰减指数随试样含水率升高而减小,其范围为0.97~1.18。Abstract: A series of large-scale explosion model tests were carried out in dense unsaturated calcareous sand using spherical TNT explosives. The propagation laws of the blast wave in dense calcareous sand were studied under various conditions, such as explosive mass, buried depth and water content of sand sample, based on analyzing the changes of major parameters of blast wave. The results show that the blast wave propagates mainly in the form of elastic-plastic wave in dense calcareous sand. Moreover, the plastic longitudinal wave velocity increases with the increase of initial density in the dry sand sample. For the wet sand sample, the plastic longitudinal wave velocity increase with the decrease of the water content. More specifically, the corresponding longitudinal wave velocity ranges from 250 to 282 m/s in the dry sand and ranges from 302 to 339 m/s in the wet sand. In the case of concentrated charge, the critical scaled buried depth of closed explosion in unsaturated calcareous sand is about 2.25 m/kg1/3. In the test range, the attenuations of peak normal stress and specific normal impulse of the blast wave in dense calcareous sand obey the explosion similarity law. The stress attenuation coefficient of blast wave in dry calcareous sand is 2.94 or 1.37 respectively at the measured points whose scaled distances are greater than or less than 0.75 m/kg1/3. The stress attenuation coefficient of explosion wave in wet calcareous sand increases with the increase of water content and ranges from 1.39 to 1.79. The attenuation coefficient of the specific normal impulse decreases with the increase of the sample water content, and the range is 0.97 to 1.18.
表 1 影响砂土中爆炸波传播规律的主要参数
Table 1. Major parameters influencing the propagation of blast wave in sand
参数名称及符号 量纲 炸药 药包质量W [M] 装药密度ρw [ML-3] 单位质量炸药的化学能Ew [L2T-2] 爆炸产物的膨胀指数γ — 砂土 密度ρ0 [ML-3] 塑性纵波波速cp [LT-1] 内摩擦角φ — 试样尺寸 药包中心埋深h [L] 测点到爆心的距离R [L] 表 2 爆炸模型试验参数
Table 2. Designed parameters for explosion model test
试验编号 药包设计质量W/g 设计埋深h/m 设计含水率/% 设计爆心距R/m DCS64-1 64 0.9 1 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 DCS64-2 64 0.3 1 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 DCS64-3 64 0 1 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 DCS216 216 0 1 0.15,0.2,0.3,0.45,0.6,0.8,1.0 DCS512 512 0 1 0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 WCS64-1 64 0.9 10 0.15,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 WCS64-2 64 0.9 20 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 WCS64-3 64 0.9 25 0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0 表 3 实测爆炸试验参数表
Table 3. Summary of measured parameters in explosion test
试验编号 药包质量/g 试样含水率/% 药包埋深/m 试样密度/(g·cm−3) 总质量除以总体积法 环刀取样法 环刀取土钻取样法 DCS64-1 63.6 0.7±0.5 0.90 1.37 1.35±0.02 − DCS64-2 63.1 1.5±0.4 0.31 1.39 1.36±0.04 − DCS64-3 63.3 1.9±0.5 0 1.38 1.36±0.02 − DCS216 214.2 2.1±0.5 0 1.39 1.37±0.03 − DCS512 510.2 2.0±0.3 0 1.38 1.37±0.02 − WCS64-1 62.8 10.5±0.7 0.89 1.54 1.51±0.04 1.54±0.04 WCS64-2 63.3 18.9±1.5 0.92 1.59 1.55±0.07 1.58±0.06 WCS64-3 63.1 23.7±2.2 0.91 1.80 1.76±0.06 1.81±0.04 表 4 密实钙质砂中的爆炸波波速
Table 4. The blast wave velocity in dense calcareous sand
试验编号 密度/(g·cm−3) 弹性纵波波速c0/(m·s−1) R2 塑性纵波波速cp/(m·s−1) R2 DCS64-1 1.37 359 0.998 250 0.995 DCS64-2 1.39 344 0.998 282 0.995 DCS64-3 1.38 291 0.998 265 0.997 DCS216 1.39 332 0.999 278 0.999 DCS512 1.38 339 0.999 274 0.999 WCS64-1 1.50 429 0.999 377 0.998 WCS64-2 1.59 387 0.998 315 0.996 WCS64-3 1.80 374 0.999 302 0.999 表 5 干燥钙质砂法向应力峰值衰减规律参数值
Table 5. The parameters of attenuation law of peak normal stress in dry calcareous sand
试验编号 $K_{\sigma} $ $\mu_{\sigma} $ R2 $K_{\sigma} $ $\mu_{\sigma} $ R2 第一段(R*≤0.75 m/kg1/3) 第二段(R*>0.75 m/kg1/3) DCS64-1 0.944 2.94 0.998 1.474 1.37 0.976 DCS64-2 DCS64-3 0.548 3.11 0.961 0.79 1.83 0.938 DCS216 DCS512 表 6 潮湿钙质砂法向应力峰值衰减规律参数值
Table 6. The parameters for attenuation law of peak normal stress in moist calcareous sand
试验编号 $K_{\sigma} $ $\mu_{\sigma} $ R2 WCS64-1 1.805 1.39 0.965 WCS64-2 1.530 1.55 0.986 WCS64-3 2.200 1.79 0.978 表 7 非饱和钙质砂刚壁反射因数
Table 7. The rigid reflection coefficient of unsaturated calcareous sand
试验编号 外推自由场应力峰值σI,max/MPa 实测反射波应力峰值σR,max/MPa 刚壁反射因数σR,max/σI,max DCS64-1 0.421 0.675 1.603 DCS64-2 0.421 0.635 1.508 DCS64-3 0.149 0.219 1.473 DCS216 0.311 0.458 1.473 DCS512 0.529 0.796 1.504 WCS64-1 0.505 0.804 1.592 WCS64-2 0.368 0.451 1.225 WCS64-3 0.430 0.537 1.249 表 8 非饱和钙质砂中折合比冲量衰减公式参数值
Table 8. The parameters of attenuation law of specific impulse in unsaturated calcareous sand
试验编号 KI μI R2 DCS64-1 7.57 1.15 0.944 DCS64-2 5.54 1.14 0.975 DCS64-3 1.57 1.16 0.933 DCS216 DCS512 WCS64-1 5.33 1.18 0.959 WCS64-2 4.92 1.02 0.901 WCS64-3 4.65 0.97 0.946 -
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