Numerical simulation on shock critical initiation velocity of cylindrical covered charge by multiple fragment impacts
摘要: 为了研究实战环境中多个钨球破片对导弹战斗部(柱壳装药)的冲击起爆问题,采用AUTODYN-3D数值模拟软件,基于单破片撞击柱壳装药模型,建立多破片撞击柱壳装药的模型,开展了不同钨球个数、空间碰撞位置间隔(撞击角θ、轴向球心距l)及时间间隔对冲击起爆特性影响的数值模拟,获得了带壳B炸药的起爆速度阈值。结果表明:相同条件下,随着钨球个数的增加、空间碰撞位置间隔的减小,起爆速度阈值逐渐减小,6个钨球同时撞击的起爆速度阈值约为单个作用下的50%;双钨球作用下,柱壳装药相较于平板装药更难以起爆;双钨球间隔撞击柱壳装药时,起爆速度阈值均随着撞击时间间隔的增大而先减小后增大,最小起爆速度阈值约为同时撞击时的95%,且|θ2|<|θ1| (θ1为第1个钨球的撞击角,θ2为第2个钨球的撞击角)时更容易起爆柱壳装药。Abstract: In order to investigate the shock initiation of missile warhead (cylindrical covered charge) by multiple tungsten spherical fragment impacts under actual combat circumstance, based on the analysis of single fragment impact, the numerical simulations were carried out by using AUTODYN-3D software. The influence on the shock initiation characteristics of different number, distance separation (impact angle θ and axial spherical center distance l), time separation were analyzed, and the critical initiation velocity of covered Comp B was obtained by the up-down method. The obtained simulation results show that, the critical initiation velocity decreases with the tungsten fragments number increase and the distance separation decrease. The critical initiation velocity of cylindrical covered charge impacted by six fragments synchronously is about 50% compare to the single fragment. The cylindrical covered charge is more difficult than plane covered charge to detonate by double fragments when the impact velocity below the critical velocity of a single fragment. The critical initiation velocity decreases initially and then increases with the increase of time separation when fragments impacting asynchronously on the cylindrical covered charge. The minimum critical initiation velocity of cylindrical covered charge impacted by double fragments synchronously is about 95% comparinge with that of impacted by double fragments asynchronously. For |θ2|<|θ1| (θ1 is the impact angle of the first fragment, θ2 is the impact angle of the second fragment), the cylindrical covered charge is easy to detonate by double fragments asynchronously. The results provide the reference for cumulative damage assessment of cylindrical covered charge by multiple fragment impacts.
表 1 B炸药材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of composition B
I/μs−1 b a x G1 c d y G2 e g z 44 0.222 0.01 4 414 0.222 0.667 2.0 0 0 0 0 表 2 破片、壳体材料模型
Table 2. Material model of fragment and casing
部件 材料 状态方程 强度模型 失效模型 破片 钨合金 Shock Johnson-Cook Geometric strain 壳体 4340合金钢 Linear Johnson-Cook Geometric strain -
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