Experimental study on dynamic response of high-density polyethylene bellows under blasting seismic load
摘要: 为研究爆破地震荷载作用下埋地高密度聚乙烯(high-density polyethylene,HDPE)波纹管的动力响应规律,通过现场预埋管道的爆破试验,结合爆破地震与动态应变等测试手段,分析了爆破地震荷载作用下埋地管道的动力响应特征,研究了管道振动速度及动态应变的分布特征,基于von Mises屈服准则分析评价了管道安全性,提出了爆破振动速度控制标准。试验研究结果表明:试验中管道与地表振速以及管道动态应变随爆心距的减少,随炸药量的增加而增大;爆破地震波振动主频高,管道振动主频高于地表;相同爆破工况条件下,管道上方地表振速普遍大于管道振速;管道截面背爆侧峰值轴向应变以拉应变为主,迎爆侧峰值环向应变以压应变为主;本试验管道安全控制振速可取20 cm/s,此时管道处于安全状态。Abstract: The dynamic response of buried high density polyethylene (HDPE) bellows under blasting seismic load was studied. First, the blasting test of buried pipeline was carried out by combining the blasting seismic test and dynamic strain test. Secondly, the dynamic response characteristics of buried pipeline under blasting seismic load were analyzed. Then, the characteristics of vibration velocity and dynamic strain distribution were studied. Finally, the pipe safety was evaluated based on the von Mises yield criterion, and the blasting vibration velocity control standard was proposed. The experimental results show that the vibration velocity of pipeline and ground and the dynamic strain of pipeline increase with the decrease of core distance and the increase of explosive quantity. The dominant frequency of blasting seismic wave is higher. The dominant frequency of pipeline is higher than the surface. Under the same blasting condition, the ground vibration velocity above the pipeline is generally higher than that of the pipeline. The peak axial strain on the back explosion side of the pipeline section is mainly tensile strain, and the peak circumferential strain on the front explosion side is mainly compressive strain. The vibration velocity of the pipeline can be safely controlled by 20 cm·s−1, and the pipeline is in a safe state.
Key words:
- blasting earthquake /
- HDPE bellows /
- field test /
- response characteristics /
- safety control
表 1 工况参数
Table 1. Working condition parameter
工况 炸药埋深/m 炸药量/kg 水平距离/m 1 6.5 8 25 2 6.5 8 20 3 6.5 8 15 4 6.5 8 10 5 4 8 25 6 4 8 20 7 4 8 15 8 4 8 10 9 4 9.6 5 表 2 地表合振动速度峰值
Table 2. Resultant peak velocity at surface
工况 测点D6速度/(cm·s-1) 测点D7速度/(cm·s-1) 测点D3速度/(cm·s-1) 1 4.44 5.80 4.92 2 3.60 4.71 3.67 3 7.85 8.87 7.58 4 11.37 12.54 8.89 5 4.86 3.69 3.05 6 4.74 3.73 3.01 7 7.41 7.38 4.34 8 15.20 16.54 11.61 9 28.06 32.71 15.30 -
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