Study on strain rate effect of coral sand
摘要: 为研究应变率对珊瑚砂力学特性的影响,用直径37 mm的分离式Hopkinson压杆(SHPB)对两类珊瑚砂进行了冲击实验,得到了460~1300 s−1应变率范围内不同密实度的一维应变压缩应力-应变关系;结合准静态(10−4 s−1)压缩的实验结果,发现珊瑚砂存在明显的应变率效应;通过对比两类砂物理特性,认为应变率敏感性与内孔隙和粒间摩擦密切相关;提出了率型本构模型中动态增强系数的计算模型,可为珊瑚砂在冲击下的数值计算提供理论依据。Abstract: A 37 mm-diameter split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) apparatus was used to conduct impact tests on two types of coral sand to investigate the effect of strain rate. One-dimensional compressive stress-strain curves with the strain rates ranging from 460 to 1300 s−1 were obtained under different compactness levels. Combining with the static compressive results (strain rate of 10−4 s−1), it is found that coral sand is affect with strain rate obviously. Comparison of physical properties of two types of coral sand indicates that the strain rate sensitivity is highly correlated with the proportion of inner pores of the particles and friction between the particles. The calculation models of dynamic intensification factor are proposed, which provide theoretical basis for the numerical calculation of coral sand under impact.
Key words:
- coral sand /
- strain rate effect /
- inner pore /
- impact /
- strengthening coefficient
表 1 珊瑚砂基本物理特性
Table 1. Physical mechanical properties of dry coral sand
珊瑚砂 中间粒径/
(g·cm−3)1# 0.480 2.358 0.924 1.317 1.136 2# 0.356 2.240 1.070 1.205 0.980 -
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