• ISSN 1001-1455  CN 51-1148/O3
  • EI、Scopus、CA、JST收录
  • 力学类中文核心期刊
  • 中国科技核心期刊、CSCD统计源期刊


贾海林 翟汝鹏 李第辉 项海军 杨永钦

邓祥. 高速摄影技术培训消息[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 1984, 4(2): 87-87. doi: 10.11883/1001-1455(1984)02-0087-1
引用本文: 贾海林, 翟汝鹏, 李第辉, 项海军, 杨永钦. 三种盐类超细水雾抑制管道内甲烷-空气预混气爆炸的差异性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2020, 40(8): 082201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0456
JIA Hailin, ZHAI Rupeng, LI Dihui, XIANG Haijun, YANG Yongqin. Differences of premixed methane-air explosion in pipelines suppressed by three ultrafine water mists containing different salts[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(8): 082201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0456
Citation: JIA Hailin, ZHAI Rupeng, LI Dihui, XIANG Haijun, YANG Yongqin. Differences of premixed methane-air explosion in pipelines suppressed by three ultrafine water mists containing different salts[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2020, 40(8): 082201. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0456


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2019-0456
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0807900);国家自然科学基金(51304069);教育部创新团队发展支持计划(IRT_16R22)

    贾海林(1980- ),男,博士,副教授,jiahailin@126.com


    杨永钦(1964- ),男,硕士,高级工程师,xfzdyyq@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O383

Differences of premixed methane-air explosion in pipelines suppressed by three ultrafine water mists containing different salts

  • 摘要: 针对管道输送可燃气体时爆炸引发的连锁安全问题,自行搭建了两节管道预混气爆炸传播及抑爆实验系统,开展了不同种类、不同盐类质量分数和不同雾通量的盐类超细水雾抑制甲烷体积分数为9.5%的甲烷-空气预混气爆炸的系列实验。基于火灾学和爆炸学理论,深入探讨了不同实验工况下爆炸超压振荡曲线、最大超压峰值、爆炸火焰阵面位置、火焰平均传播速度和火焰结构演化的差异性。研究表明:随着盐类添加剂(NaCl、NaHCO3和MgCl2)质量分数和雾通量的增大,最大爆炸超压峰值相对于纯水超细水雾作用时呈不同幅度下降,爆炸超压振荡曲线上升趋势缓慢,火焰平均传播速度下降趋势明显。爆炸火焰锋面在管道B内呈现不同次数的后退现象,到达管道末端的时间较无细水雾和纯水超细水雾下延迟效应明显。通过比较分析,发现含NaCl超细水雾在弱化爆炸超压、延缓火焰锋面推进、降低火焰平均传播速度以及火焰后退次数方面均优于含MgCl2和NaHCO3超细水雾。主要原因在于,阴离子Cl销毁链式爆炸反应中OH·、H·自由基的能力强于HCO3,阳离子Na+销毁爆炸反应中OH·、H·自由基的能力强于Mg2+
  • 图  1  两节管道预混气爆炸及抑爆实验系统

    Figure  1.  Experimental system for the premixed gas explosion and explosion suppression in a two-section pipeline

    图  2  超声雾化产生的细水雾粒径分布

    Figure  2.  Particle diameter distribution of water mist generated by ultrasonic atomization

    图  3  NaCl超细水雾对甲烷体积分数为9.5%的甲烷-空气预混气的爆炸超压振荡曲线及最大超压峰值的影响

    Figure  3.  Explosion overpressure-time curves and the maximum explosion overpressures affected by water mists containing NaCl for premixed methane-air mixture with the methane volume fraction of 9.5%

    图  4  MgCl2超细水雾对甲烷体积分数为9.5%的甲烷-空气预混气的爆炸超压振荡曲线及最大超压峰值的影响

    Figure  4.  Explosion overpressure-time curves and the maximum explosion overpressures affected by water mists containing MgCl2 for premixed methane-air mixture with the methane volume fraction of 9.5%

    图  5  NaHCO3超细水雾对甲烷体积分数为9.5%的甲烷-空气预混气的爆炸超压振荡曲线及最大超压峰值的影响

    Figure  5.  Explosion overpressure-time curves and the maximum explosion overpressures affected by water mists containing NaHCO3 for premixed methane-air mixture with the methane volume fraction of 9.5%

    图  6  雾通量均为8.4 mL、盐类质量分数不同的不同盐类超细水雾作用下爆炸超压变化的差异性

    Figure  6.  Differences of the explosion overpressures affected by ultrafine water mists with three different salts and different salt mass fractions under the same mist flux

    图  7  不同盐类超细水雾作用下管道B内爆炸火焰锋面位置的变化

    Figure  7.  Changes of explosive flame front positions in pipe Baffected by different ultrafine water mists

    图  8  不同盐类超细水雾作用下管道B内爆炸火焰平均传播速度的变化

    Figure  8.  Changes of average propagation velocities of explosion flames in pipe B affected by different ultrafine water mists

    图  9  雾通量均为8.4 mL、盐类质量分数均为8%的不同超细水雾作用下管道B内的火焰结构

    Figure  9.  Evolution of flame structures in pipe B affected by ultrafine water mists containing different salts with the same mist flux of 8.4 ml and the same salt mass fraction of 8%

    图  10  三种盐类超细水雾抑爆机理

    Figure  10.  Explosion suppression mechanism by three ultrafine water mists with different salts

    表  1  NaCl超细水雾作用下最大爆炸超压的变化

    Table  1.   Changes of the maximum explosion overpressures under the suppression of ultrafine water mists containing NaCl

    217.01.7 9.1213.61.811.7
    813.94.825.78 9.95.535.7
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    表  2  含NaHCO3超细水雾作用下最大爆炸超压的变化

    Table  2.   Changes of the maximum explosion overpressure under the suppression of ultrafine water mists containing NaHCO3

    218.60.1 0.5215.00.4 2.5
    418.30.4 2.1414.31.1 7.1
    617.71.0 5.3613.51.912.3
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    表  3  MgCl2超细水雾作用下最大爆炸超压的变化

    Table  3.   Changes of the maximum explosion overpressures under the suppression of ultrafine water mists containing MgCl2

    217.31.4 7.5215.30.1 0.6
    416.12.413.9414.50.9 5.8
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    表  4  不同工况下3种盐类超细水雾作用下火焰峰面到达管道末端的时间

    Table  4.   Times for the flame front to arrive at the terminal end of pipe B affected by three ultrafine water mists with different salts under different working conditions

    无水雾 5.27无水雾 5.27无水雾 5.27
    0%-NaCl 8.06 2.790%-MgCl2 8.062.790%-NaHCO3 8.062.79
    2%-NaCl11.16 5.89 38.52%-MgCl2 8.683.41 7.72%-NaHCO3 8.683.41 7.7
    4%-NaCl12.09 6.82 50.04%-MgCl212.407.1353.84%-NaHCO3 9.304.0315.4
    6%-NaCl14.88 9.61 84.66%-MgCl213.648.3769.26%-NaHCO310.234.9626.9
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-12-13
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