Calculation method of damage effects of underground engineering objectives based on data mining technology
摘要: 针对毁伤试验数据少、不均匀、不连续、范围窄等带来的计算精度不高的问题。研究通过数据挖掘技术进行毁伤效应计算。利用数据库管理毁伤数据,通过数据清洗技术识别并清除数据异常点,以保证数据库中数据的质量。建立了算法评价方法以选择最优经验算法。通过特征选择对高维毁伤数据进行降维,确定毁伤效应的主要控制参数进行神经网络学习和k-近邻检索。在此基础上建立基于数据融合的“三阶段”毁伤效应计算模型,可依据试验数据、经验算法和神经网络模型进行毁伤效应计算。实际应用表明,所提出的计算方法,能够满足实际应用需求。Abstract: Aiming at low calculation accuracy of damage effect caused by less data, uneven, discontinuity and narrow distribution of damage experimental data, data mining technology is introduced to calculate damage effect. The database manages damage metadata and the data cleaning technology is used to identify and eliminate dead points’ data in order to control the data quality in database. An algorithm evaluation method is established to select the optimal empirical algorithm. The dimensionality reduction of high-dimensional damage data is achieved through feature selection and the main control parameters are chosen to train neural network model and k-nearest neighbor search. The “three-stage” damage effects calculation model based on data fusion has been established. The model can be used to calculate weapon damage effect based on experimental data, the empirical algorithm and the BP neural network model. The software has been developed to complete the damage calculation, and the results shows that the proposed method can meet the needs of practical application.
Key words:
- data mining /
- damage effects /
- data quality analysis /
- feature selection /
- k-nearest neighbor search /
- neural network
表 1 经验算法和BP神经网络模型MAPE值
Table 1. MAPE values of empirical algorithms and BP neural network model
表 2 地下工程毁伤计算所需主要控制参数
Table 2. Main control parameters required for damage calculation of underground engineering
参数名称 输入值 备注 参数名称 输入值 备注 战斗部型号 *** 下拉菜单选择 主坑道轴线长 100 m 弹体质量 874 kg 坑道等效直径 5 m 弹体直径 0.37 m 防护门位置 50 m 弹头长度 1.111 m 防护门抗力 0.2 MPa 弹头形状 卵形 围岩材料种类 岩石 下拉菜单选择 装药TNT当量 242.7 kg 围岩材料波速 3000 m/s 弹体长度 2.511 m 围岩材料强度 46 MPa 弹着点坐标 (10 m, 0 m) 围岩材料密度 2000 kg/m3 着靶速度 200 m/s 衬砌材料种类 钢筋混凝土 下拉菜单选择 弹着角 5° 衬砌材料强度 60 MPa 攻角 0° 衬砌层厚度 0.5 m 坑道类型 直通式出入口 下拉菜单选择 口部防护层厚度 5 m -
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