镁合金弹丸10 km/s撞击铝靶成坑特性实验

王马法 周智炫 黄洁 罗庆 龙耀 焦德志 柳森

王马法, 周智炫, 黄洁, 罗庆, 龙耀, 焦德志, 柳森. 镁合金弹丸10 km/s撞击铝靶成坑特性实验[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(5): 053302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0129
引用本文: 王马法, 周智炫, 黄洁, 罗庆, 龙耀, 焦德志, 柳森. 镁合金弹丸10 km/s撞击铝靶成坑特性实验[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(5): 053302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0129
WANG Mafa, ZHOU Zhixuan, HUANG Jie, LUO Qing, LONG Yao, JIAO Dezhi, LIU Sen. Experiment on crater characteristics of aluminium targets impacted by magnesium projectiles at velocities of about 10 km/s[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(5): 053302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0129
Citation: WANG Mafa, ZHOU Zhixuan, HUANG Jie, LUO Qing, LONG Yao, JIAO Dezhi, LIU Sen. Experiment on crater characteristics of aluminium targets impacted by magnesium projectiles at velocities of about 10 km/s[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(5): 053302. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0129

镁合金弹丸10 km/s撞击铝靶成坑特性实验

doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0129
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(11802330)

    王马法(1986- ),男,博士,助理研究员,fujianwmf@163.com


    柳 森(1967- ),男,博士,研究员,hvi@cardc.cn

  • 中图分类号: O385

Experiment on crater characteristics of aluminium targets impacted by magnesium projectiles at velocities of about 10 km/s

  • 摘要: 为获得10 km/s超高速撞击成坑特性,采用内爆发射器开展了长径比l/dp为1/2、直径dp为0.8 cm的镁合金弹丸撞击厚5 cm铝靶的超高速撞击实验,获得了铝靶的撞击成坑尺寸和形貌特性,结合文献数据,分析了成坑形貌与8 km/s以下速度撞击坑的差异和弹丸长径比、速度、动能对成坑尺寸的影响。结果表明:典型的撞击坑不仅包含中心成坑区,还包含了破坏区,成坑区近似半球形弹坑,破坏区为自由表面剥落形成的浅坑;坑深Pc/dp为1.5~2.0,坑径dc/dp为3~3.5,坑形系数Pc/dc为0.50,成坑效率E/Vc均值为3.74 kJ/cm3;对于l/dp≤1的弹丸,采用等效直径对坑深进行归一化,归一化后坑深与长径比无关,与速度的2/3次幂成线性关系。
  • 图  1  实验布局

    Figure  1.  Experimental setup

    图  2  发射器结构

    Figure  2.  Structure of implosion-driven launcher

    图  3  弹丸的激光阴影成像照片

    Figure  3.  Photos of projectiles by laser shadowgraph imaging instrument

    图  4  成坑形貌

    Figure  4.  Crater shapes after experiments

    图  5  成坑区和破坏区划分

    Figure  5.  Crater area and damage area

    图  6  铝靶的典型成坑形貌

    Figure  6.  Crater layouts of aluminum targets

    图  7  撞击坑切面形貌

    Figure  7.  Cross-sections of impact craters

    图  8  坑深、坑径、坑形系数和成坑效率

    Figure  8.  Crater depth, crater diameter, crater-shape coefficient and cratering efficiency

    图  9  坑深与速度2/3次幂的关系

    Figure  9.  Relationships between crater depths and 2/3 powers of impact velocity

    图  10  等效直径归一化坑深与撞击速度的关系

    Figure  10.  Relationships between normalized crater depths by effective diameter and impact velocities

    表  1  激光测速系统测得的弹丸速度

    Table  1.   Projectile velocities by laser velocimeters

    ILT08 9.56 9.73 9.60 9.731.7
    ILT11 9.36 9.26 9.361.1
    ILT12 9.77 9.74 9.75 9.77 9.770.3
    ILT22 9.76 9.68 9.67 9.760.9
    下载: 导出CSV

    表  2  成坑尺寸测量结果

    Table  2.   Results of crater sizes

    下载: 导出CSV
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