Penetration behaviors of Hf-based amorphous alloy jacketed rods
摘要: 为研究Hf基非晶合金的变形行为及高速侵彻性能,分别开展了Hf基非晶合金材料静动态力学性能和Hf基非晶合金夹芯结构长杆弹高速侵彻45钢靶体试验研究,并与45钢夹芯长杆弹侵彻结果进行对比。研究发现:Hf基非晶合金具有较高的断裂强度,断裂时伴随有能量释放现象;Hf基非晶合金夹芯长杆弹侵彻钢靶过程可分为3个阶段:开坑、夹芯结构侵彻和剩余弹体侵彻。Hf非晶合金在侵彻过程中发生了明显的释能反应,显著地增强了弹体毁伤效应,扩大了侵彻弹孔直径,增加了弹体侵彻深度和弹孔体积。在高速冲击下,Hf基非晶合金夹芯长杆弹表现出优异的侵彻性能,可以为非晶合金材料在高效毁伤领域的应用提供新思路。Abstract: Amorphous alloys have attracted wide interest from from domestic and foreign research scholars in recent years. In order to explore the deformation behavior and high-speed penetration performance of Hf-based bulk amorphous alloys, the static (10−3 s−1) and dynamic (102−104 s−1) mechanical properties tests of Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy materials were carried out. Based on the structure of the jacketed rod, penetration experiments were performed as well. Two kinds of jacketed rod projectiles, in Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy and 45 steel, penetrated into the semi-infinite 45 steel targets with velocities in the range of 1000−1500 m/s. The experimental results show that the Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy has a high fracture strength of 1.69 GPa under quasi-static compression (10−3 s−1), and 1.15 GPa under dynamic compression (102−104 s−1). The fracture of Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy is accompanied by a energy release phenomenon. The process of Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy jacketed rod projectiles penetrating the steel target can be divided into three stages: pit opening stage, penetration stage of the jacketed rod structure and remaining projectile penetration. The Hf amorphous alloy has an obvious energy-releasing reaction during the penetration process. The energy-releasing reaction of the Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy enhanced the damage effect of the projectile significantly by enlarging the diameter of the penetration bullet hole, and increasing the penetration depth and bullet hole volume. Compared with the 45 steel jacketed rod within the tested kinetic energy range, the range of increase in the diameter of the penetration single hole, the penetration depth and the volume of penetration bullet holes are 14.4%−23.8%, 5.2%−13.1%, and 12.9%−54.3%, respectively. In conclusion, the Hf-based bulk amorphous alloy jacketed rod projectile exhibits excellent penetration performance, which can provide new ideas for the application of amorphous alloy materials in the field of efficient damage.
Key words:
- jacketed rod /
- long rod projectile /
- penetration behavior /
- amorphous alloy /
- energy-releasing reaction /
- Hf
表 1 准静态压缩实验数据
Table 1. Quasi-static compression experimental data
编号 压缩速度/(mmmin−1) 尺寸/(mmmm) 最大载荷/kN 应变率/s−1 抗压强度/GPa 1 0.36 $\varnothing $3.98×5.98 20.6 1×10−3 1.53 2 0.36 $\varnothing $3.96×6.00 22.4 1×10−3 1.68 3 0.36 $\varnothing $3.94×6.00 24.0 1×10−3 1.80 4 0.36 $\varnothing $4.00×6.02 21.1 1×10−3 1.58 5 0.36 $\varnothing $4.02×6.02 25.2 1×10−3 1.88 表 2 SHPB实验数据
Table 2. SHPB experimental data
编号 速度/(m∙s−1) 尺寸/(mmmm) 应变率/s−1 断裂强度/MPa 1 10.4 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.00 550 1 470 2 12.3 $ \varnothing $4.00×5.98 760 1 410 3 13.7 $ \varnothing $4.02×5.98 890 1 300 4 14.8 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.02 980 1 280 5 16.2 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.00 1170 1 260 6 16.4 $ \varnothing $4.02×5.98 1200 1 250 7 17.5 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.00 1370 1 220 8 18.5 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.02 1450 1 280 9 18.9 $ \varnothing $4.02×6.02 1580 1 150 表 3 弹体材料参数
Table 3. Material parameters of the projectile
材料 密度/(g∙cm−3) HRC硬度 强度/MPa Hf基非晶合金 8.10 50 1 600 调质处理45钢 7.85 50 562 钨合金[22] 17.6 35.5 1 250 表 4 实验后靶体成坑参数
Table 4. Crater parameters of targets
弹体材料 编号 弹体速度/(m∙s−1) 弹体动能/kJ 侵彻深度/mm 弹孔体积/cm3 弹孔直径/mm Hf-W 9 1 041 70.44 41.49 21.14 30.24 8 1 088 76.94 44.66 21.99 29.51 1 1 180 90.51 52.51 25.42 31.81 4 1 221 96.90 54.25 27.86 32.47 5 1 264 103.85 62.57 32.47 32.82 7 1 347 117.94 69.28 40.00 32.56 6 1 486 143.53 79.00 52.36 34.62 Steel-W 17 1 000 66.50 34.05 11.82 23.33 11 1 184 93.22 51.26 22.86 27.57 13 1 196 95.12 52.02 23.71 26.68 14 1 276 108.27 60.05 29.85 28.10 15 1 460 141.75 73.04 42.39 30.31 16 1 464 141.95 74.06 44.81 30.14 -
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