Gas shock waves in the gap between the base and cladding plates during explosive welding
摘要: 通过分析研究爆炸焊接基复板间隙中的气体运动,建立了冲击波传播的理论模型,通过理论分析和计算说明了基复板间存在气体冲击波管道效应。管道效应使复合板尾部在爆炸焊接形成前发生上翘,造成板尾部焊接能量偏大,或使尾部炸药压死,是工程中长大复合板尾部焊接质量降低或失效的主要原因。还通过建立简化模型,分析了复合板宽度、各种保护性气体和粗真空对管道效应的影响,说明了选择爆炸焊接保护气体的原则,进而使用氦气保护进行了钛钢、铝镁爆炸焊接实验验证,为气体保护爆炸焊接、真空爆炸焊接技术的进一步开发研究奠定了理论基础。Abstract: A theoretical model for shock wave propagation was established to study the airflow in the gap between the base and cladding plates of explosive welding, and the gas shock wave channel effect between the base and cladding plates was proposed and explained by theoretical analysis and calculation. The results show that the channel effect can push up the tail of the cladding plate before the collision point of explosive welding, and then causes the welding energy of the plate tail to increase too high or the explosive on the plate tail to be pressed dead. Therefore, the channel effect in explosive welding is the primary reason for the failure or quality reduction of the tail welding of long and large clad plates. In addition, other simplified theoretical models were used to further analyze various factors influencing on the channel effect, like clad plate width, various shielding gases and explosive welding in coarse vacuum. The optimization principle of shielding gas for explosive welding was explained, and also the helium-shielded explosive welding of titanium/steel and aluminum/magnesium was processing as experimental verification. The theoretical foundation for the further development and research of gas-shielded explosive welding and vacuum explosive welding was built up in this paper.
表 1 爆炸焊接气体冲击波参数(vd=2 400 m/s)
Table 1. Parameters for gas shock wave in explosive welding at vd=2 400 m/s
气体种类 M γ c0/(m·s−1) ρ0/(kg∙m−3) D/vd p/MPa c/vd 空气 28.959 1.404 331 1.292 0 1.218 9.170 0.5558 N2 28.013 1.403 337 1.251 0 1.218 8.876 0.3864 CO2 44.009 1.313 260 1.963 0 1.167 13.290 0.5558 Ar 39.948 1.670 308 1.784 0 1.347 13.950 0.4694 He 4.002 1.670 974 0.178 5 1.449 1.591 0.7643 空气0.1atm 28.959 1.404 331 0.129 2 1.218 0.917 0.5558 注:多原子气体绝热指数取自文献[38]实验值, 单原子气体的取理论值。 表 2 各种气体爆炸焊接的板宽效应
Table 2. Plate width effects of various gases in explosive welding
气体 L/w vd=2 000 m/s vd=2 400 m/s vd=3 500 m/s 空气 1.096 0 1.109 0 1.126 0 N2 1.096 0 1.109 0 1.126 0 CO2 1.244 0 1.257 0 1.274 0 Ar 0.887 6 0.891 6 0.897 3 He 0.798 1 0.821 2 0.857 7 -
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