Model of seismic wave field excited by axially distributed explosive
摘要: 炸药震源激发地震波场幅频特性直接影响地震勘探精度,本文通过计算研究轴向分布式药包激发地震波场幅频特征规律:以球形空腔震源模型为基础,采用叠加方法获得轴向分布式药包激发地震波场计算方法,并与数值模拟结果进行对比。研究表明:该方法误差在7%以内;在爆心距大于药柱总长度9.8倍时轴向分布式药包所激发地震波速度场与球形药包基本一致,但地震波的频率更高。Abstract: The amplitude-frequency characters of the seismic wave excited by the explosive source directly affect the seismic exploration accuracy. In order to reveal the characteristic law of the amplitude and frequency of the seismic wave field excited by an axially distributed explosive, the study on the calculation method of the seismic wave field of the axially distributed explosive was proposed. Based on the spherical cavity source model, the calculation method of the seismic wave field excited by the axially distributed explosive source was obtained by using the superposition method, and the seismic wave field model excited by the axially distributed charge was established. This model can describe the characteristics of the seismic wave field of distributed explosive sources in seismic exploration. Comparison with numerical simulation shows that the error between the theoretical model and the numerical model is within 5% in the radial direction, and the error between the theoretical model and the numerical model is within 3.4% in the axial direction. Compared with the field experiment results, the theoretical model seismic wave vibration velocity error is within 10% when the blast center distance is greater than 14 m. The calculation accuracy increases with the increase of the distance, and the error is less than 6% when the distance is greater than 24 m. When the blast center distance is the same, the vibration speed in the axial direction is greater than the vibration speed in the radial direction. The difference between the two decreases with the increase of the blast center distance. When the blast center distance is 9.8 times the total length of the charge, the axial direction is the vibration speed difference in the radial direction is within 5%, and the frequency of the seismic wave is higher. The research shows that the model can accurately describe the amplitude-frequency character of the seismic wave excited by the axially-distributed explosive.
Key words:
- seismic wave /
- seismic exploration /
- explosive source /
- axially distributed explosive
表 1 轴向分布式炸药激发方案
Table 1. Excitation scheme of axially distributed explosives
方案 药柱数量 单药柱质量/kg 药柱间隔/mm 总药量/kg 延迟时间/s 激发方向 3 kg×2 2 3 400 6 0.3 由上而下 2 kg×3 3 2 400 6 0.3 由上而下 1.5 kg×4 4 1.5 400 6 0.3 由上而下 表 2 土介质参数
Table 2. Parameters of soil
σc/MPa σt/MPa G/GPa α φ/kPa ρs/(kg⋅m3) k/MPa G/MPa σy/MPa 13 2 0.147 0.115 11.8 1840 245 147 22 表 3 TNT炸药特性参数
Table 3. Parameters of TNT
C1/GPa C2/GPa R1 R2 ω ρe/(kg·m−3) D/(m·s−1) e/(J·m−3) pCJ/GPa p0/GPa 373.7 3.747 4.15 0.90 0.35 1650 6930 6.0×109 21 9.82 表 4 检波器部分参数
Table 4. Parameters of sensors
量程/V 灵敏度/[V·(m·s−1)−1] 通频带/Hz 误差范围/% 10 7 1~100 <0.05 表 5 不同位置(x)处峰值粒子速度实验结果相与计算结果的相对误差
Table 5. Table 6 Relative error of experimental results of peak paritcle velocity to the calculational ones at different position x
炸药激发方案 误差/% x=10 m x=14 m x=18 m x=22 m x=26 m x=30 m 3 kg×2 4.52 4.84 4.77 4.32 3.92 4.12 2 kg×3 4.56 4.63 4.32 3.93 4.12 3.93 1.5 kg×4 8.01 6.82 6.51 7.25 8.80 9.44 -
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