Analysis on the blast resistance of steel concrete composite slab
摘要: 钢-混凝土-钢组合板是一种新型的组合结构,与传统钢筋混凝土板相比,具有抗剪强度高、延性大、耗能能力强等特点,目前已经被广泛应用于核反应堆安全壳、海洋平台及储油罐等结构。本文中,设计并制作了缩尺的普通钢筋混凝土板和钢-混凝土-钢组合板,开展了在接触爆炸荷载作用下的实验研究,通过损伤分析、跨中最大挠度对比研究不同板的抗爆性能。基于ANSYS/LS-DYNA非线性有限元程序,研究了钢-混凝土-钢组合板的损伤模式、跨中最大挠度等,并与实验结果进行了对比分析,验证了有限元分析模型的准确性和适用性。参数化分析了炸药量、混凝土强度和钢板厚度等参数对钢-混凝土-钢组合板抗爆性能的影响规律。利用多参数回归分析方法,提出钢-混凝土-钢组合板跨中挠度的预测公式。结果表明:提高混凝土强度可以降低结构的塑性损伤, 增加钢板厚度可以有效降低钢-混凝土-钢组合板的跨中最大挠度。相对于普通钢筋混凝土板,钢-混凝土-钢组合板保持了良好的整体性,且具有继续承载的能力。拟合公式能够较好地预测钢-混凝土-钢组合板跨中挠度与药量和钢板厚度的关系。Abstract: Steel concrete steel composite slab is a new type of composite structure. It has the characteristics of high shear strength, high ductility and strong energy consumption compared with the traditional reinforced concrete slab. The new type composite slab has been widely used in nuclear reactor containment, offshore platform and oil storage tank. Two scaled reinforced concrete slabs (RCS) and steel-concrete-steel (SCS) composite slabs were designed and manufactured, and the experimental study was carried out under the contact explosion load. The anti-blast performance of different slabs was analyzed by damage analysis and displacement. Based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA nonlinear finite element program, the damage modes and the maximum deflection of the mid-span of the steel-concrete composite slab are numerically investigated, and the numerical damage modes and maximum deflection of the steel-concrete composite slabs are compared with the test results of the components, which verifies the accuracy and applicability of the finite element analysis model. In this study, the influences of parameters, such as explosive quantity, concrete strength and steel plate thickness on the anti-blast performance of steel-concrete composite plate are numerically analyzed by parametric analysis. Then, the prediction formula of mid-span deflection of SCS slab is proposed by using the method of multi parameter regression analysis. The results show that the plastic damage of the structure can be reduced by increasing the strength of concrete, and the maximum deflection of SCS can be effectively reduced by increasing the thickness of steel plate. It is indicated that the SCS maintains good integrity and owns the ability to continue to carry load compared with the RCS. Finally, the fitting formula can well predict the relationship between the mid span deflection of SCS plate and the charge amount and the thickness of steel plate.
表 1 材料力学性能参数
Table 1. Mechanical properties of materials
材料 型号 弹性模量/GPa 抗压强度/MPa 屈服强度/MPa 抗拉强度/MPa 混凝土 C30 30 30 钢筋 HRB335 200 341 472 钢板 Q235 200 235 370 焊钉 A2-50 200 210 500 表 2 试件的损伤和挠度
Table 2. Damages and deflections of specimens
试件 迎爆面爆坑尺寸/mm 背爆面爆坑尺寸/mm 实验跨中挠度/mm 数值跨中挠度/mm 是否发生贯穿破坏 整体性 是否能继续承载 RCS 360×300 410×400 50 46.2 是 一般 否 SCS 280×180 35 27.4 否 好 是 表 3 混凝土-钢-混凝土组合板跨中挠度经验公式拟合结果
Table 3. Fitting results of empirical formula for mid-span deflection of SCS
炸药量w/g 钢板厚度t/mm 实际挠度$ {\gamma }_{0} $/mm 预测挠度$ \gamma $/mm 误差/% 100 3.0 10.90 10.623 14 2.54 150 3.0 12.08 13.136 22 8.74 200 3.0 14.88 13.372 48 10.13 250 3.0 15.05 16.003 81 6.34 300 3.0 27.15 26.762 19 1.43 300 2.0 32.62 32.594 10 0.08 300 2.5 29.13 29.235 85 0.36 300 3.5 24.76 24.870 36 0.45 300 4.0 23.31 23.281 85 0.12 -
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