Debris cloud characteristics of graded-impedance shields under hypervelocity impact
摘要: 碎片云特性是影响空间碎片防护结构防护性能的重要因素。通过实验对比了相同面密度波阻抗梯度材料、铝合金材料的碎片云特性,并借助数值模拟进行了更深入的研究,结果表明,当弹丸分别撞击波阻抗梯度材料、铝合金材料时,碎片云结构中弹丸的破碎特征明显不同。撞击波阻抗梯度材料时,弹丸头部破碎更加充分,弹丸侧向扩展程度提高;在高速段(6.5 km/s),受阻抗梯度及材料熔化效应的共同作用,波阻抗梯度材料碎片云头部出现分层现象。研究结果表明,超高速撞击波阻抗梯度材料碎片云特性的变化是其防护性能优于相同面密度铝合金的重要因素之一。Abstract: Graded-impedance shield is a kind of structure against space debris with excellent protection performance verified by experiments. Graded wave impedance material is used as its core buffer. In order to further optimize the design of graded wave impedance material and promote the engineering application of graded-impedance shield, it is necessary to deeply understand the protection mechanism of the shield against hypervelocity impact. The difference of debris cloud characteristics is an important factor affecting the protection performance of shields against space debris. Further study on the debris cloud characteristics of graded-impedance shield and comparison with aluminum alloy Whipple shield with the same areal density can deepen the understanding of the protection mechanism of graded-impedance shield against hypervelocity impact. In this paper, the hypervelocity impact experiments were carried out at 3.5, 5.0 and 6.5 km/s for the graded-impedance shield and aluminum alloy Whipple shield with the same areal density. The characteristics of the debris cloud formed by the projectile impacting the graded wave impedance material and aluminum alloy material with the same areal density were compared after the experiment, and the characteristics of debris cloud fragmentation was quantitatively analyzed and compared through numerical simulation, including the characteristics of cloud mass, quantity and temperature distribution. As results, it is shown that the fragmentation characteristics of projectile fragments in debris cloud structure are obviously different when the projectile impacts the graded wave impedance material and aluminum alloy material, respectively. When the impact wave impedance gradient material is used, the projectile head is broken more fully, and the projectile lateral expansion degree is increased. In the high-speed section (6.5 km/s), due to the joint action of impedance gradient and material melting effect for the graded wave impedance material, the delamination phenomenon appears in the head of debris cloud. The results show that the change of debris cloud characteristics under hypervelocity impact is one of the key factors that the protective performance of graded wave impedance material is better than that of the aluminum alloy with the same areal density.
表 1 波阻抗梯度材料结构参数
Table 1. Structural parameters of graded-impedance material
等效厚度 编号 材料组成 各层厚度/mm 总厚度/mm 1.5 mm铝合金 TAM Ti6Al4V 0.3 1.8 Al2024-T4 0.2 AZ31B 1.3 表 2 超高速撞击实验参数与结果
Table 2. Experimental parameters and results of hypervelocity impact
实验编号 缓冲屏材料 撞击速度/(km·s−1) 弹丸直径/mm 后墙损伤情况 后墙失效与否 shot 1-1 TAM 3.440 4.25 鼓包 未失效 shot 1-2 TAM 3.473 4.51 鼓包、穿孔、剥落 失效 shot 1-3 Al 3.596 3.50 鼓包 未失效 shot 1-4 Al 3.480 4.00 鼓包、临界穿孔、剥落、层裂 失效 shot 2-1 TAM 4.951 4.99 鼓包 未失效 shot 2-2 TAM 4.819 5.24 鼓包 未失效 shot 2-3 TAM 4.827 5.25 鼓包、穿孔 失效 shot 3-1 TAM 6.400 6.00 鼓包 未失效 shot 3-2 TAM 6.412 6.27 鼓包、剥落 失效 shot 3-3 Al 6.518 4.50 鼓包 未失效 shot 3-4 Al 6.442 5.00 穿孔、剥落、鼓包 失效 表 3 材料的Tillotson状态方程参数
Table 3. Parameters of Tillotson state equations for titanium and aluminum
材料 A/GPa B/GPa a b $ \alpha $ $\ \beta$ e0/(MJ·kg−1) e1/(MJ·kg−1) e2/(MJ·kg−1) TI6%AL4%V钛 103 50 0.5 0.6 5 5 7.0 3.5 12.5 AL2024-T4铝 75 65 0.5 1.63 5 5 5.0 3.0 15.0 表 4 材料的Steinberg Guinan本构模型参数
Table 4. Parameters of Steinberg Guinan models for titanium and aluminum
材料 $ {Y}_{0} $/GPa Ymax/GPa b h $\ \beta$ $ {G}_{0} $/GPa ${T}_{\rm m}$/K TI6%AL4%V钛 1.33 2.12 0.48 0.1 12 41.9 2110 AL2024-T4铝 0.29 0.68 1.86 0.185 310.0 27.6 1220 表 5 AZ31B镁Puff状态方程参数
Table 5. Parameters of Puff state equation for AZ31B magnesium
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