Mechanism on hypervelocity penetration of a tungsten alloy projectile into a concrete target
摘要: 为研究钨合金弹体超高速侵彻混凝土靶的相关机理,构建了适用于超高速撞击的金属强度模型、失效模型和混凝土的本构模型,对93钨合金弹体超高速撞击混凝土靶问题进行了数值模拟。开展了钨合金弹体超高速撞击混凝土靶实验,分析了靶板成坑特性,研究了侵彻总深度和残余弹体长度随撞击速度的变化规律,理论分析了长杆钨弹超高速撞击混凝土的侵彻模型和混凝土靶内的应力波传播。得到以下主要结论:(1)利用金属及混凝土的新本构模型获得的超高速撞击混凝土靶的破坏形貌数值模拟结果与实验结果一致;(2)超高速撞击条件下混凝土靶成坑为“弹坑+弹洞”形,成坑体积与弹体动能近似成正比;(3)超高速撞击条件下,侵彻深度随弹速提高呈现先增大后减小的现象,高速段侵深降低是弹体经历销蚀侵彻后“刚体侵彻阶段”减少造成的;(4)建立的钨合金超高速撞击混凝土侵彻分析模型,可用来预估侵彻深度、残余弹长、蘑菇头直径等参数;(5)采用建立的超高速撞击混凝土靶内应力波传播理论模型得到的计算结果与实验结果吻合较好。Abstract: To investigate the hypervelocity impact mechanism of a tungsten alloy projectile on a concrete target, a new dynamic plasticity-based failure model for metal was developed by introducing Lode angle, dynamic enhancement factor, temperature softening term and stress triaxiality, and a new constitutive model for concrete was proposed by introducing strain rate effect, pressure dependence, Lode angle and free water effect. The advanced measurement technologies were introduced to determine the dynamic mechanical behaviors of materials, then the materials parameters were used to numerically simulate the hypervelocity penetration of a tungsten alloy projectile into a concrete target. Based on a 57/10 two-stage light gas gun, the experiments were carried out on the hypervelocity impact of the tungsten alloy projectile on the concrete target. And according to the computed tomography scanning images of the damaged concrete targets, the crater characteristics in the targets were analyzed. Then the relationships of the total penetration depth and the residual length of the projectile with the initial impact velocity of the projectile were obtained. The penetration of the projectile and the stress wave propagation in the concrete target were analyzed by the theoretical method. The achieved results are as follows. (1) By utilizing the new constitutive models for the metal and concrete, the failure morphology of the concrete derived from numerical simulation is consistent with that from the experiment. (2) The craters are structured by spalling areas and projectile holes, the transverse failure effect shows a significant advantage over low-velocity penetration, and the volume of craters is approximately proportional to the kinetic energy of projectiles. (3) The penetration depth increases at first and then decreases with the increase of the impact velocities, the decrease of the penetration depth under high velocity is due to the decrease of the rigid penetration stage after the erosive penetration stage. (4) A theoretical penetration model is proposed, which can be used to predict the depth of penetration, the residual length of the projectile and the diameter of the mushroom-like head, et al. (5) A theoretical stress wave propagation model is developed and the theoretical results of stress waves are in good agreement with the experimental ones.
表 1 钨合金强度模型材料参数
Table 1. Material parameters of the strength model for tungsten alloy
${A_{\rm{t}}}$/MPa ${B_{\rm{t}}}$/MPa ${n_{\rm{t}}}$ $W_{\rm{x} } ^\prime$ $W_{\rm{y} } ^\prime$ $B_{\rm{y} } ^\prime$ $S'$ ${\dot \varepsilon _{{\rm{quasi}}}}$/(10−3 s−1) $C_1 $ $C_2 $ $C_3 $ $C_4 $ 615 1382 0.61 0.0 1.0 2.15 0.0 0.5 0.45 0.5 −0.010 32 1.612 5 表 2 混凝土强度模型材料参数
Table 2. Material parameters of the strength model for concrete
fc'/MPa ft/MPa B' N Fm Wx S c1 c2 c3 c4 ${\varepsilon _{{\rm{frac}}}}$ ${\lambda _{\rm{m}}}$ q1 q2 42.7 4 1.62 0.86 10 1.6 0.8 3 6.93 0.45 0.3 0.004 0.3 0.15 2.0 表 3 混凝土靶破坏特征参数
Table 3. Parameters showing damage characteristic of concrete targets
方法 弹速/(km·s−1) 弹洞深度/mm 弹坑深度/mm 弹坑直径/mm 实验 3.08 66.5 20.3 127.7 模拟 3.08 71.0 19.6 148.0 -
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