Experimental study on penetration of non-circular cross-section long-rod projectiles into semi-infinite metal target
摘要: 为了研究截面形状对长杆弹侵彻半无限金属靶板的最终侵彻深度的影响规律,开展了截面形状为圆形、三角形、正方形、十字形的等截面积的长杆弹侵彻半无限厚靶板的实验研究。实验分为两组,分别为长径比为8、弹芯材料为93钨合金的长杆弹侵彻装甲钢靶板实验以及长径比为15、弹芯材料为45钢的长杆弹垂直侵彻45钢靶板实验。实验后得到不同截面形状、不同长径比、不同弹靶材料的长杆弹在不同着靶速度下的侵彻深度。结果表明:三种异型截面长杆弹的侵彻能力均高于相同工况下的圆形截面长杆弹,且其中十字形截面长杆弹侵彻能力最优,正方形截面次之。通过对实验结果的宏观分析,得到三种异型截面长杆弹的截面形状对长杆弹侵彻半无限靶板侵彻威力的影响规律以及侵彻机理的宏观表现。Abstract: To study the influences of the cross-sectional shapes on the final depths of penetration, a series of experiments were carried out on the penetration of long-rod projectiles with the same cross-sectional area different cross-sectional shapes into semi-infinite metal targets. The cross-sectional shapes were machined to be circular, square and cross, respectively. These experiments were divided into two groups. In one group of experiments, the long-rod projectiles with the aspect ratio of 8 and 93W alloy cores penetrated into armor-steel target plates. In another group of experiments, the long-rod projectiles with the aspect ratio of 15 and 45 steel cores penetrated into the 45 steel target plates. Depths of penetration under different impact velocities were experimentally obtained for different cross-sectional shapes, aspect ratios, and materials of projectiles and targets, respectively. Experimental results display that the penetration abilities of the three kinds of long-rod projectiles with non-circular cross-section are higher than that of the long-rod projectiles with circular cross-section under the same working conditions. And among the four kinds of long-rod projectiles, the penetration ability of the long-rod projectiles with cross section is the highest, followed by that of the long-rod projectiles with square section. With the increase of the impact velocity, the penetration gains of the cross and square cross-section long-rod projectiles to the circular cross-section ones increase. The cross-section shape of craters penetrated by the triangular cross-section long-rod projectiles takes on arc triangle, and the cross-section shape of craters penetrated by the long-rod projectiles with square and cross sections, respectively, takes on approximate circle. After penetration of the three kinds of non-circular cross-section long-rod projectiles, cracks at certain angles with the axial direction appear in the mushroomed heads of the projectile bodies, which leading to less resistance encountered by the projectiles in the process of penetration. The reason, why the penetration abilities of three kinds of non-circular cross-section long-rod projectiles are higher than that of the circular-section long-rod projectiles, is their structural self-sharpening in the process of penetration.
Key words:
- long-rod projectiles /
- non-circular cross-section /
- influence law /
- dimensional analysis
表 1 各物理量的量纲
Table 1. Dimension of each physical quantity
物理量 M L T ${\ \rho _{\rm{p} } }$ 1 −3 0 L 0 1 0 v 0 1 −1 ${\sigma _{\rm{p}}}$ 1 −1 −2 ${\sigma _{\rm{t}}}$ 1 −1 −2 ${E_{\rm{p}}}$ 1 −1 −2 ${E_{\rm{t}}}$ 1 −1 −2 $\ {\rho _{\rm{t} } }$ 1 −3 0 表 2 各物理量量纲(变换后)
Table 2. Dimension of each physical quantity (after change)
物理量 ρp L V ${\ \rho _{\rm{p} } }$ 1 0 0 L 0 1 0 v 0 0 1 ${\sigma _{\rm{p}}}$ 1 0 2 ${\sigma _{\rm{t}}}$ 1 0 2 ${E_{\rm{p}}}$ 1 0 2 ${E_{\rm{t}}}$ 1 0 2 ${\ \rho _{\rm{t} } }$ 1 0 0 表 3 弹芯尺寸
Table 3. Projectile dimensions
序号 截面形状 材料 L/mm D*/mm T/mm U/mm 1 圆形 93钨合金 64 8 − − 2 三角形 93钨合金 64 8 10.77 − 3 正方形 93钨合金 64 8 7.09 − 4 十字形 93钨合金 64 8 8.08 4.2 5 圆形 45钢 90 6 − − 6 三角形 45钢 90 6 8.08 − 7 正方形 45钢 90 6 5.32 − 8 十字形1 45钢 90 6 3.16 6.06 9 十字形2 45钢 90 6 6.67 4.27 注:D*为等效圆直径,表达式为$D^{*}=\sqrt {4S/{\text{π } } }$;S为弹芯截面积。 表 4 实验结果
Table 4. Experimental results
序号 弹芯材料 靶板材料 截面形状 着靶速度/(m·s−1) 侵彻深度/mm 序号 弹芯材料 靶板材料 截面形状 着靶速度/(m·s−1) 侵彻深度/mm 1 93W 603钢 圆形 1615 68.0 25 45钢 45钢 圆形 1538 42.5 2 93W 603钢 三角形 1429 53.0 26 45钢 45钢 圆形 1719 55.0 3 93W 603钢 三角形 1462 54.5 27 45钢 45钢 圆形 1747 53.8 4 93W 603钢 三角形 1596 69.3 28 45钢 45钢 三角形 1288 27.5 5 93W 603钢 三角形 1601 64.9 29 45钢 45钢 三角形 1298 25.5 6 93W 603钢 正方形 1371 54.7 30 45钢 45钢 三角形 1371 25.5 7 93W 603钢 正方形 1374 54.7 31 45钢 45钢 三角形 1548 44.0 8 93W 603钢 正方形 1467 54.5 32 45钢 45钢 三角形 1558 41.5 9 93W 603钢 正方形 1489 60.0 33 45钢 45钢 三角形 1695 53.5 10 93W 603钢 正方形 1625 76.0 34 45钢 45钢 正方形 1376 36.0 11 93W 603钢 正方形 1639 72.0 35 45钢 45钢 正方形 1388 35.5 12 93W 603钢 正方形 1642 75.5 36 45钢 45钢 正方形 1401 32.0 13 93W 603钢 十字形 1388 52.0 37 45钢 45钢 正方形 1412 34.0 14 93W 603钢 十字形 1415 54.2 38 45钢 45钢 正方形 1582 46.0 15 93W 603钢 十字形 1452 60.0 39 45钢 45钢 正方形 1589 50.0 16 93W 603钢 十字形 1473 60.7 40 45钢 45钢 正方形 1702 63.0 17 93W 603钢 十字形 1495 63.5 41 45钢 45钢 十字形1 1358 15.5 18 93W 603钢 十字形 1571 67.0 42 45钢 45钢 十字形1 1464 15.5 19 93W 603钢 十字形 1593 75.8 43 45钢 45钢 十字形1 1472 15.0 20 45钢 45钢 圆形 1317 26.5 44 45钢 45钢 十字形1 1502 51.0 21 45钢 45钢 圆形 1335 24.5 45 45钢 45钢 十字形1 1718 66.0 22 45钢 45钢 圆形 1423 32.5 46 45钢 45钢 十字形2 1469 17.0 23 45钢 45钢 圆形 1478 35.0 47 45钢 45钢 十字形2 1445 16.5 24 45钢 45钢 圆形 1516 37.0 48 45钢 45钢 十字形2 1445 15.5 -
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