Characteristics of interface defeat and penetration during the impact between a ceramic armor and a long-rod projectile
摘要: 界面击溃/驻留效应可以有效提高装甲陶瓷的抗侵彻能力。为研究长杆弹撞击装甲陶瓷界面击溃及侵彻特性,开展了长杆弹撞击装甲陶瓷实验研究。同时,基于裂纹扩展理论建立了考虑界面击溃/驻留效应的长杆弹侵彻装甲陶瓷计算模型,以定量描述界面击溃/驻留效应对装甲陶瓷抗侵彻性能的影响。不同弹靶条件下的界面击溃/侵彻转变速度、界面驻留时间、侵彻速度与侵彻深度的理论计算值与实验结果具有较好的一致性,表明计算模型可靠。在此基础上,分析了弹体及陶瓷材料对界面击溃/驻留及侵彻过程的影响规律。研究结果表明:随着弹体撞击速度的提高,陶瓷表面由界面击溃向侵彻转变。考虑界面击溃/驻留效应的长杆弹侵彻装甲陶瓷理论模型,可以较好地反映不同弹体撞击速度对应的弹靶作用模式。弹体材料的屈服强度和密度越高,界面驻留时间越短,弹体侵彻靶体的能力越强;陶瓷的屈服强度越高,界面击溃/驻留效应越显著,靶体的抗侵彻能力越强。考虑界面击溃/驻留效应的长杆弹侵彻装甲陶瓷理论模型揭示了部分界面击溃作用机理,可为陶瓷复合靶的设计提供参考。Abstract: Interface defeat/dwell can effectively improve the anti-penetration performance of a ceramic armor at certain degree, which attracts the attention from researchers all over the world in recent years. Experiments on a ceramic armor subjected to the impact of a long-rod projectile (LRP) were carried out to investigate the characteristics of interface defeat and penetration during the impact in this paper. A theoretical model for the penetration process of a LRP into a ceramic target with semi-finite thickness at different impact velocities was established by considering interface defeat/dwell to study quantitatively the effect of interface defeat/dwell on the penetration. The theoretically calculated results on dwell/penetration transition velocity, dwell time, penetration velocity and depth of penetration agree well with the experimental data, which proves that the established theoretical model is accurate. The influences of the projectile and ceramic materials on the interface defeat/dwell and penetration were analyzed. Both the experimental results and the calculated results by the theoretical model show that the interaction between LRPs and ceramics transfers from interface defeat to penetration when the impact velocity increases. It also indicates that the established theoretical model can depict the interaction modes of ceramics and LRPs under different impact velocities. The yield stress and density of the projectile materials play a coupling role in the interaction between LRPs and ceramics when the interface defeat/dwell occurs. The higher the yield strength and density of the projectile materials, the shorter the dwell time and the higher the penetrating ability of the projectile. The higher the dynamical yield strength of the ceramics, the more markedly the interface defeat/dwell and the higher the anti-penetration ability of the ceramic armors. The established theoretical model in consideration of interface defeat/dwell can partially reveal the mechanism of the interface defeat, and it can provide a reference for the design of ceramic composite targets.
Key words:
- long-rod projectile /
- ceramic /
- interface defeat /
- dwell /
- penetration /
- impact
表 1 不同撞击速度弹体侵彻陶瓷后金属靶中剩余侵彻深度
Table 1. Residual depths of penetration in metal targets after penetration of long-rod projectiles with different velocities into ceramics
弹体类型 初始撞击速度/(m·s−1) 剩余侵彻深度/mm 柱形头部长杆弹 732 0 843 2.4 979 21.5 1 084 34.5 锥形头部长杆弹 877 0 976 0 1 037 17.5 表 2 长杆弹相关参数
Table 2. Material parameters of long-rod projectiles
表 3 陶瓷相关参数
Table 3. Material parameters of ceramics
表 4 背板材料参数
Table 4. Material parameters of back plate
表 5 界面击溃/侵彻转变速度的理论计算计算结果与实验结果
Table 5. Comparison between calculation and experimental results of transition velocity
弹体类型 界面击溃/侵彻转变速度/(m·s−1) 转变速度误差/% 实验 理论 柱形头部长杆弹 785±55 860±60 9.5 锥形头部长杆弹 1 005±25 920±70 −8.5 表 6 界面击溃驻留时间与侵彻深度与实验对比
Table 6. Comparison between calculation and experimental results of penetration depth and dwell time
撞击速度/(m·s−1) 侵彻深度/mm 侵彻深度误差/% 驻留时间/μs 实验 理论 732 0 0 61.0 843 2.4 2.3 −4.2 3.7 979 21.5 21.6 −0.5 0 1 084 34.5 30.7 −11.0 0 -
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