
康越 张仕忠 张远平 柳占立 黄献聪 马天

康越, 张仕忠, 张远平, 柳占立, 黄献聪, 马天. 基于激波管评价的单兵头面部装备冲击波防护性能研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(8): 085901. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0395
引用本文: 康越, 张仕忠, 张远平, 柳占立, 黄献聪, 马天. 基于激波管评价的单兵头面部装备冲击波防护性能研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2021, 41(8): 085901. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0395
KANG Yue, ZHANG Shizhong, ZHANG Yuanping, LIU Zhanli, HUANG Xiancong, MA Tian. Research on anti-shockwave performance of the protective equipment for the head of a soldier based on shock tube evaluation[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(8): 085901. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0395
Citation: KANG Yue, ZHANG Shizhong, ZHANG Yuanping, LIU Zhanli, HUANG Xiancong, MA Tian. Research on anti-shockwave performance of the protective equipment for the head of a soldier based on shock tube evaluation[J]. Explosion And Shock Waves, 2021, 41(8): 085901. doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0395


doi: 10.11883/bzycj-2020-0395

    康 越(1989- ),男,博士研究生,工程师,goodluckky@163.com


    马 天(1975- ),男,博士,正高级高级工程师,wangxhbjfu@163.com

  • 中图分类号: O389

Research on anti-shockwave performance of the protective equipment for the head of a soldier based on shock tube evaluation

  • 摘要: 为了优化单兵头面部防护装备结构,提升防护性能,首先开展了基于实爆场和激波管环境的裸头模抗爆炸冲击波对比测试。在此基础上,利用激波管对佩戴不同结构、不同防护等级的头盔-头模系统分别进行了正向及侧向爆炸冲击波防护性能测试,并对头盔-头模系统前部、前额部、顶部、后部、耳部以及眼部等重点区域的冲击波超压峰值和持续作用时间进行对比分析。实验结果表明,基于激波管的抗爆炸冲击波测试方法可替代外场实爆进行考核。受到冲击波正向作用时:两半盔头模顶部测点所测冲击波超压峰值约为喷管出口的 1/6,是裸头模和一体盔头模的 1/3;冲击波在两半盔顶部分体结构处分流卸压并形成叠加反射,导致作用时间延长(从 5.5~8.5 ms),但超压峰值降低明显;对后部测点而言,冲击波的绕行和叠加使一体盔头模所测冲击波超压峰值(365 kPa)略高于两半盔头模(303 kPa),约为裸头模(148 kPa)的 2.5 倍。通过提高单兵头面部防护装备结构密闭性(如佩戴眼镜、耳罩或者防护面罩),可有效阻止冲击波进入头盔-头模系统内部,减弱叠加汇聚效应,提高单兵头面部装备防护性能。
  • 图  1  测试装置示意图

    Figure  1.  Schematic diagrams for the test devices

    图  2  实爆现场示意图及爆炸波形

    Figure  2.  Schematic diagram for the far-field blast environment and explosion waveforms

    图  3  激波管测试得到的超压时程曲线

    Figure  3.  Overpressure-time curves obtained in the shock tube experiments

    图  4  头部模型在激波管中的位置照片

    Figure  4.  Photos showing the head model positions in the shock tube

    图  5  实爆自由场和激波管喷管出口爆炸超压的演化

    Figure  5.  Overpressure changes in the blast free field and at the outlet of the shock tube nozzle

    图  6  实爆场和激波管测试环境下裸头模上不同测点位置的超压时程曲线

    Figure  6.  Overpressure-time curves at different measured points in the bare head in the far-field blast and shock tube environments, respectively

    图  7  喷管出口的超压时程曲线

    Figure  7.  Overpressure-time curves at the nozzle outlet

    图  8  裸头模、两半盔头模和一体盔头模各部位正向实验结果

    Figure  8.  Forward experimental results of different parts for the bare head, two-half-helmet head and integral-helmet head models

    图  9  裸头模、两半盔头模和一体盔头模正向测试超压峰值结果统计

    Figure  9.  Forward experimental overpressure peak for different parts of the bare head, two-half-helmet head and integral-helmet head models

    图  10  裸头模、两半盔头模和一体盔头模系统的眼部和耳部正向测试实验结果

    Figure  10.  Forward experimental results for the eye and ear of the bare head, two-half-helmet head and integral-helmet head models

    图  11  喷管出口的超压时程曲线

    Figure  11.  Overpressure-time curves at the nozzle outlet

    图  12  裸头模、两半盔头模和一体盔头模各部位侧向实验结果

    Figure  12.  Lateral experimental results for different parts of the bare head, two-half-helmet head and integral-helmet head models

    图  13  裸头模、两半盔头模和一体盔头模侧向超压峰值

    Figure  13.  Lateral overpressure peaks for the bare head, two-half-helmet head and integral-helmet head models

    图  14  全防护状态示意图及喷管出口冲击波超压时程曲线

    Figure  14.  Schematic diagram of the full-protection head model and overpressure-time curves at the nozzle outlet

    图  15  受到正向冲击时,两半盔头模和全防护头模各部位实验结果。

    Figure  15.  Forward experimental results for different parts of the two-half-helmet head and full-protection head models

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